Room B – Green Crack Cannabis Grow – Part 3

Step1 Breaking Down Medicinal Marijuana
January 3, 2012
Bout 2 Piss Myself Prank
January 3, 2012

Room B - Green Crack Cannabis Grow - Part 3Taking a minute to discuss this upcoming grow featuring the X nutrients line. Big thanks for them for hooking it up for your viewing pleasure. Be sure to show them some love. Thanks for watching!


  1. vermontoker says:

    Great vid man thanks for sharing

  2. HeadBangaxxx says:

    you have contact with growingforfreedom whats up with him

  3. devonblazzeit says:

    i bet that takes a bit of time to spray all those girl down. looks like ur gunna have to upgrage to an elc paint sprayer, i had too…GROW HARD 🙂

  4. GrowerMD says:

    @devonblazzeit ya im going to be getting a new sprayer for when i dont have as easy access to the plants in flower.

  5. JAYDIES says:

    looking forward to the results. Thanks!

  6. bkpickell says:

    Will be keeping an eye on this one. X is on my list of nutrients to try. I am really curious to see what your results and opinions are.

  7. jchastain789 says:

    GrowerMD = one inspirational muther fucker!

  8. Bublonichronic2 says:

    bad ass of Xnutes to hook you up, interested to see how they work out

  9. GrowerMD says:

    @Mant33th good to hear! i am am getting ready to try it out.

  10. dedhed8824 says:

    I love the sweet raw with OG or any kush. Really brings out the flavor in my opinion.

  11. Mant33th says:

    They make an awesome cloning gel! Got a free sample at hydro shop and loved the results 🙂

  12. kacee1981 says:

    didn’t think it was wise to spay when in flower,wont they mould quiker,very strange line that company has.will be watching and c what the results say….

  13. goodvibes03 says:

    do you mind telling me what your monthly bill for electricity is

    thank you so much for these videos.. v good karma

  14. growingforboredom says:

    cool video, I have the X nutrients 3 part, havn’t used it yet, for now I’m using the entire botanicare line, I think i have about as many lines as you to try out

  15. GrowerMD says:

    @goodvibes03 depends on whats going on and time of year but between 1100-1500

  16. GrowerMD says:

    @kacee1981 i said they same and they say if your environment is under control they absorb it through the leaves extremely quick. Although i will be cutting off the sprays around the 5th-6th week of flower.
