Police Brutality, My Idols, And The Ukraine Conflict

Riffing on a Tokin Daily video rant from Paul, just adding my 2 cents.
March 7, 2014
Weed Growing / cannabis grow
March 7, 2014

Police Brutality, My Idols, And The Ukraine ConflictWent out and took the 636 on a much needed ride and rode her RRRREEEEAAAALL good. I discussed police brutality in the USA, the people I look up to and the gr…


  1. nyyankees498 says:

    The world is messed up I’ll just watch the 636 and block it out

  2. zak lalor says:

    worst cop experience i have had would be last 4th of july almost got
    arrested for launching fireworks

  3. MarcsMagicMoments says:

    I really support your opinion!

  4. TheSpunkieMonkey says:

    in my opinion you will come across that one nice cop and all the other ones
    are power fed pricks that think they can do anything because they are the
    law and it is a big issue because allot of people i know are aggravated or
    kinda scared when a cop is around instead of protected. and aren’t you
    supposed to feel safe when cops are around?… i have seen police brutality
    and i’m in Canada so that just shows that police brutality isn’t just in
    america…..and sheeeit my idols? i would have to say spacep0d cause he is
    a chill dude and some of the points he makes are very true. tech9 is one of
    my idols cause he sing from his soul and what he feels. i guess i could
    consider a average joe named bakerxderek is one of my idols also because
    you sir inspire me to save up and get my self a bike and alays do the right
    thing when you feel is needed…oh also your a funny guy. keep up the good
    work man i love the content you produce. :)

  5. DangerDan says:

    The worst cop experience I’ve ever had was at an auto parts store… I bent
    down to pick up an air compressor, and he farted in my face. (Unknowingly) 

  6. Matthew West says:

    Four years ago, just me and my buddy, sitting on hid front porch in Newport
    News, VA, having a conversation after getting off work at 2am. Mind you we
    were very aware of the time, his neighbors sleeping, and we were also tired
    so we were not being loud and cutting up. NN cop rolls by, we wave, cop
    just stares at us. Friend mentions its weird to see a cop go through his
    neighborhood since it has like no crime pthere. Ten mins later, same cop
    rolls through, I wave again, friend was looking at me talking so he doesnt
    wave, cop still glaring. Finally third time, five mins later cop is pulling
    through, I turn to my buddy and tell him something is up. About when I
    finish that statement cop slams on the breaks opens his door(doesnt get
    out) and starts screaming at us that we need to go inside, we are creating
    a disturbance in the neighborhood. Our mouths are hanging open, shaking our
    heads in disbelief at this guy for what hes screaming at us
    about(hipocrit). I responded in a low calm voice, “Officer, the only
    disturbance tonight was you just now screaming at us and now the neighbors
    lights are coming on”. He looks around then screams at us again to go
    inside or hes going to arrest us. “For what exactly officer?”. Now hes
    raging calling for backup, my buddy says to me “dude lets just go in” my
    response “I aint a kid, Im an adult,I dont have a cerfew, we werent
    bothering any one, he is, hes bothering us and your neighbors”. My friend
    tells him “officer we are going in”. Cop looses it “I am not an officer, I
    am a Sgt!” I fired back, “How the hell were we suppose to know that with
    your ass staying in the car just screaming at us acting all ignorant
    instead of showing some courtesy” He gets out starts up towards the house,
    two more cruisers roll up then an unmarked car. He goes to the two officers
    at the marks, they all three approach the unmarked driver whos wearing a
    suit. Talking between them, our harasser starts getting loud, each time,
    the suit cuts him off, staying calm. Then he storms over gets in his
    cruiser, leaves fast, other two officers leave. Suit walks up, apologizes,
    tells us the neighbors called about a beligerant officer in their
    neighborhood screaming at the guys who help them take care of their
    properties. Supervisor and backup sent in for the crazy cop. Not all police
    are bad. I have a lot of friends in law enforcement, it takes one bad
    experience for some people to shift their opinion on all of those
    individuals in that group, sad deal. 

  7. kramerguitars204 says:

    My idols: Jimi Hendrix, Dimebag Darrell, Eminem, Kirk Hammett, James
    Hetfield, and Eddie Van Halen. I like music a LLLLLLOOOOOOT

  8. frank farder says:

    the 636 was parked in the wrong spot ;)

  9. NoobsForSnacks says:

    You sound as though youve done your daily medication meditation. bubble
    bubble ;)

  10. Evan Sarvela says:

    About a year or two ago

  11. lincoln brown says:

    Bxd you spacep0d yummy r6 and a few more are the reason why started looking
    into riding motorcycle. With that being said just lay weekend I passed my
    msf course and currently own a 92vfr cruising the streets of Santa Monica
    so I would like to say thank you and keeps the vis coming

  12. Quentin Whitelaw says:
  13. the random stuff says:

    Dies ur front wheel ever leave the ground? U should make some vids on one
    wheel!! :)

  14. Drew Leamons says:

    Martial law is coming soon!

  15. 6Foot4Honda says:

    honestly police brutality does happen, and it sucks.
    anything as serious as that should put them under suspension or without
    pay, and have their employment re-evaluated.

    as bad as it is, you only hear about the NEGATIVES about the police,
    because thats what gets everyones attention
    90% of the good deeds done by police officers go unnoticed.

    also, anyone who does the whole “FK DA POLICE” thing is a turd.
    next time someone confronts you with a gun, call auntie becky to come save

  16. Dylan Johnson says:

    And I plan on becoming a police officer in the near future so maybe I can
    actually HELP people and not just be a dick to everyone. 

  17. OMGitsSpazzy says:

    Your my Idol Cheaaaa

  18. Nelson Marquez says:

    i <3 the intro lol

  19. iTech Help says:

    you are one of my idols. you are the first moto vlogger that a watched. you
    made me love bikes and i cant wait to get one.

  20. Benjamin Nagy says:

    I have seen pice brutality all my life to the point where at age 10 I
    thought it was normal and they had a right to beat you up for anything.
    It’s only the individual cop’s fault. As my dad liked to say, they just
    get too big for their britches. Lol. Think they can get away with it.
    It’s one thing for a civilian to get mad and rough with someone but for a
    cop, you have to set an example for the public. Now a police officers job
    is never easy and can be stressful. Don’t get me wrong on that, but as a
    cop you are somewhat of a leader and you have no excuse if you act wrongly.
    I think we need to crack down on officers who use violence in nonviolent
    situations. Remember though, there are great cops out there too so to
    judge all cops like they are bad is just as wrong as saying all gun owners
    are killers. 

  21. DirtRider500R says:

    My idols? David Bailey, Miles Davis, and John Coltrane. David Bailey
    because of everything he accomplished on the RC500 throughout the years.
    Davis and Coltrane because of their HUGE impact in music.

    Hoping to complete the Speed Challenge tomorrow, if I can get dug out from
    all the snow/ ice up here. It sure sucks living in Michigan sometimes..

  22. MotoSwag41 . says:

    I got pulled over on mountain bike for doing a long ass wheelie on a
    residential street in my neighborhood. (Threatened to call my parents for
    being suck a bad ass) 

  23. justice says:

    yeah I think its disgusting how the police behave,its become normal(scary

  24. brad kirsch says:

    I like the dual sport better

  25. motomanjf says:

    Don’t get me wrong I love the 636, just a response to someone’s previous

  26. StuffWithAlexGaming says:

    Worst police experience ever… 13, riding a TTR 125 off to the side of the
    road up to a nearby lake. It was a quiet bike, and I was always respectful
    on it. All my neighbors said it was A-Okay to go riding. When I would come
    up to a driveway, mailbox, etc… I would always clear both ways and hop on
    the road so that I don’t leave tracks on anyone’s grass. I only started
    ripping once I got to the lake… well, one day, riding along to the side
    of the road, a cop sees me. He was a guy, looked about 30, seems cool
    enough. He never blipped on lights, he waved and kept on driving. Two or
    three weeks later, a bull-dyke female cop sees me, doesn’t even hit her
    lights, just runs off the road and slams into me, destroying my bike
    completely from the front end to the motor and transmission, pinching my
    leg on the ground and running me over. She hops (I should say waddled and
    caused an earthquake) out of her car and runs over to me and cuffs me
    before even checking my leg or trying to free it from under her bumper.
    Although, by leaving out of the car she took an enormous weight off of my
    leg. That bitch must have weighed like 500 pounds. Anyway, I’m cuffed,
    hands behind my back, bike destroyed, leg pinned under a heavy RUNNING car,
    burning on dripping fluids and the hot transmission and engine, while she
    sits in the A/C of her car radioing for backup. BACKUP, FOR A 13 YEAR OLD
    so yeah, justiceporn. But not really. I never was reimbursed for my bike, I
    had to do community service, I was fined $500, and of course I had a very
    fucked up, burnt, skinned up leg, bad road rash from rocks and gravel, and
    a small fracture as well as some muscle tears. Yeah… I had a bad lawyer.
    But fuck that bitch. 

  27. Christian Garcia says:

    well its not bad but a good experience with the fuzz. i was speeding in the
    carpool lane going about 95 down to San Diego State and he gave me a
    ticket going 82. still got a ticket but could of gotten locked up.

  28. jay ess says:

    veteran hooker vagina

  29. Skyler McNeely says:

    If the police stop you, ask if you are being detained.
    -If yes, ask for the charges
    -If no, you are NOT required to provide identification, information, and
    you can ask them to leave

    Contrary to what many officers will say, you have EVERY right to film the
    police as long as you do not directly involve yourself. If they confront
    you about it or about any other reason, you are allowed to film them for
    your own protection, and for the protection of those around you.

  30. Alex Casavant says:

    Missed your videos, Thanks derek ! 

  31. dirtbikevlog says:

    I got pulled over a while ago for some bullshit about my rear window being
    smashed but the cop profiled me and even though I had nothing in the car he
    called in backup and a k9 unit, they searched my car and it took almost an
    hour. I had nothing. It’s all good though I didn’t get a ticket and I
    offered the cop a donut from the box I had in the back seat lol

  32. futuremlbplayer10 says:

    Aloha from Hawaii!

  33. dbest1a says:

    Cool video, the sound of the bike is very nice.. never gets old ..

  34. Lacider says:

    Not exactly brutality but, Salt Lake City sheriffs department paid me a
    visit at home, demanded entry and access to my computer. They did not
    explain why, and demanded my login password. They proceeded to threaten me
    with confiscation of all computers in the house if I did not comply. (I ran
    a home based computer repair shop at the time so that would amount to a
    huge loss for me) So they poped in a Linux cd in my main machine and
    scanned all my hard drives, for what? I have no idea, they wouldn’t say.
    Then they demanded access to my customers computers, which I would not
    permit. More threats but ultimately they left. God bless America indeed.

  35. nabenmike says:

    The issue with police is they are people, people with problems, and
    emotions that some times roll into their work. This is no excuse for any
    unjust that they do. But when you give someone rights above other people,
    it will be abused, especially when know one is looking. Plus when the
    majority of people are not familiar with their own constitutional rights it
    gives more power to the police. I personally have never had any issues
    with police. there does seem to be more of a trend or at least more
    publicity on police and their wrong doings. It seems to me there is a
    mentality that law enforcement and even the government can violate your
    civil rights in order to keep us safe from terrorism. 

  36. 7luckystud7 says:

    +bakerXderek Just be glad you live in Cali where the weather is nice, it’s
    been raining ALL fucking week here in Seattle and there are landslides and
    rivers flooding and sheeeeeiiitttt

  37. ToastToGo says:

    I love Ellen

  38. Sean Logan says:

    my only hero my whole life. Johnny Knoxville

  39. Nicholas Atchison says:

    About time

  40. mario vitaly says:

    Well there are some crimes that should stay where there is no victim such
    as dui, or anything else where there is a high potential for someone to get

  41. Underweight Sumo says:

    Nice humpage of the ninja in the beginning bro!

  42. SlickNicklol says:

    Hey derek, today the US government has issued Sanctions against russia…
    its only escalating from here

  43. Brennan Pearson says:

    Good vid, glad you threw another 636 vid up

  44. sk8er232423 says:

    My idol is eminem because he taught me its more important to be myself
    instead of following everybody like a sheep also to not give a fuck what
    people think, that helped me have a better life because it makes life so
    much easier to not care what people think of you

  45. xXGamerCroateXx says:

    Surprisingly, my idols (which I chose for that video because I’m not really
    relating myself to them) are Barack Obama And Jennifer Lawrence. They both
    build up something from nothing (like a lot of people you would tell me)
    but their particularity is that whatever they became , they both stood like
    they always were, normal people. If one day I happen to build something of
    my life, I’ll think about them to always stay good to everyone as I was
    good to people in the past.
    Thanks for reading my little text (some of you may have not come that far!)
    And Please pardon me If my English ain’t perfect and my phrases are kinda
    repetitive but You know you learn by your mistakes 😉 

  46. Jeremiah Goble says:

    If you are truly interested in the police state and the war on your mind
    check Infowars. Also bothered great info on the subject from police state
    land of checkpoints on Facebook and the web, along with an awesome movie
    being made on the subject called “Gray State” and “Gray State The Rise”.

    There is a lot of evidence already being presented that U.S. insurgents
    caused this terrible disaster in the Ukraine.

    The only person that should be idolized is Jesus, because he died for our
    sins and it doesn’t get any more heroic than that.

    Beautiful bike by the why.

  47. Dain Beemer says:

    a couple months ago i was riding my quad on the road not going fast to my
    girlfriends house and got stopped. i told him what i was doin not lieing. a
    week later i was doin the same thing and same cop no trouble… i get on my
    quad to keep on going down the road. i leave her house like 3 in the mornin
    before her dad gets home and that cop stops me about. told him what i was
    doing and he was like at this time of night.. ya grab me though me off my
    bike and said i dont ever want to c this bike on the road again.. i still
    do and i c that cop all time.. all i got to saw is he got some things back
    like a good al donut with 4 quads sometime i no i shouldnt do that but i do

  48. KrazyFace says:

    So basically, the dual sport suspension is the equivalent of banging a 5
    gallon jar of mayonnaise… lol

  49. Justin Bielawa says:

    65,000? damn…

  50. Jesse Cox says:

    Only bakerxderek can successfully compare Motorcycles to Vaginas 
