Personalized Smoke Session for Jacob T from Alaska! (but you can come too!)

Smoking a 24K GOLD joint.
January 15, 2014
Cops Beat’s Man After He Finds His Son Dead
January 15, 2014

Personalized Smoke Session for Jacob T from Alaska! (but you can come too!)BRAND NEW! catch me playing BF4 LIVE w/ inset CAM! Please subscribe to this channel and come to


  1. Ernest Stewart says:

    Cheers Jacob from Florida,,hitting some sour diesel for ya Bro. thanks
    Trenndy Nay!

  2. rhinoman2000 says:

    it is just your are not smoking weed

  3. Heartsallgone16 says:

    You put out some of the best content. 

  4. Sam Ragan says:

    what’s up

  5. anthony crisci says:

    jacob that sucks weed helps so much with that. try to just eat natural
    foods that are easy to digest very blane diet i have IBS and aslong as i
    eat meat and veggies lots of soft cooked broccoli every 2to4 hours i feel
    good exercise helps a lot also hope u feel better oh stay away from red
    meat till u get better no diary or breads you’ll feel tired for a few weeks
    but then you’ll feel better than ever

  6. Jacob Roberts says:

    Yo its Jacob T, i appreciate this vid more than anything man.

  7. rhinoman2000 says:

    u r sublimaiting

  8. sky lark says:

    me too Nay grrrrrr !!

  9. sky lark says:

    it does everything

  10. rhinoman2000 says:

    see you later bro, Peace

  11. Tom Ace says:

    lol, i have that shirt

  12. sky lark says:

    8 am

  13. SourBogBubble says:

    Sup Nay. Trendy’s

  14. Ryan420 says:

    right on

  15. socalhippie hashman says:

    what’s up trendys

  16. Ryan420 says:

    /good evening 11pm here haha

  17. Thibaut de grande says:

    i’n in exam period and i need my medicine for my adhd, otherwise i cant
    study, i watch your vids while im taking a bong break haha 😀 i love your
    vids man, keep it up, you got some great arguments on legalisation where i
    never even thought about, keep it up man !

  18. Legalize Everywhere says:

    special session for a trendy!

  19. socalhippie hashman says:

    what’s up nay..

  20. desulv says:

    I used to watch trendy vids all day when I couldn’t smoke. Now I live in
    Colorado and have a red card! Keep smoking for those who can’t Trendy Nay!
    Legalize Everywhere

  21. Ryan420 says:

    peace rhino

  22. Hoss IVXX says:

    hang in there Jacob T and stay trendy!

  23. Sam Ragan says:

    cheers man

  24. Ryan420 says:

    come to the chat cheech

  25. sky lark says:

    and you mines !!!!

  26. kushmister420 says:

    Naay how come I cant comment when your live?

  27. sky lark says:

    my kind of people….lol

  28. sky lark says:

    that thing is great!!!

  29. socalhippie hashman says:

    tgc/stankboyseeds in da house!!.:)

  30. Ryan420 says:

    morning from aus nay 🙂

  31. rhinoman2000 says:

    love it; i also love my Sublimator….

  32. Ryan420 says:

    i’m in the chat

  33. Ryan420 says:

    doesn’t it vape the weed?

  34. sky lark says:

    and hes offf,,,, go Nay go !!

  35. Ryan420 says:

    and the light wow

  36. rhinoman2000 says:

    sup bro? love the enail….

  37. sky lark says:

    Morning Nay love your last rant gave you 2 thumbs up ….lol

  38. 234cheech says:

    yo nay

  39. Ryan420 says:

    i love the foam puck

  40. kushmister420 says:

    Naay how come I cant comment when your live?

  41. 234cheech says:

    cool ryan

  42. sky lark says:

    but that led light is the joint !!…lol

  43. sky lark says:

    it does bubble hash bho and weed
