Penny gets a stay of execution

flower room update nutrient discussion
June 9, 2013
Bad Azz [LBC] “WeeDoo” Ft Charlie C
June 9, 2013

Penny gets a stay of executionThis video was uploaded from an Android phone.


  1. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    maybe 10-14 days…she is changing colors. just going to wing it.i was under the impression she was an 8 week strain. everything i have done i did for an 8 week plant. i should have done more research!!! now i know! you live and learn. i have noticed it takes mistakes to learn! ive adjusted the feeding schedule and everything else so now i know not to look for the next run to finish before 10 weeks! but holy shit she is some good smoke already!!!

  2. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    im not regretting just was unexpected! now i know better!

  3. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    thanks for stopping by aardvark!

  4. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    scarlet begonias said thanks perm! she is sofa king smart! good all around dog..lab/weimeraner mix…im glad im waiting. like i said before im new to this…

  5. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    i would have one if i had the money to buy one….im going for broke on this girl.

  6. Permanently High says:

    Love your dog,the bud is nice too,lol,redline,peace.

  7. Aard Vark says:

    or taste tester harvesting for now
    you still have a couple weeks before they get the full chop or a week?

  8. GreenThumbMedicinal says:

    Always check trichomes for ripeness before harvest 🙂 got me a new scope the other day 🙂 glad ur staying medicated

  9. GreenThumbMedicinal says:

    Where u located ?? In mi ? I have a extra but it’s sucky you can see trichomes and pest though,welcome to it 🙂

  10. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    im on the east coast….thanks for the offer though….i will have to break down and by one even if its a cheapie….

  11. Aard Vark says:

    congrats on the harvest brother

  12. drscandersongt says:

    Never heard of anyone regretting the choice to let their flowers ripen :). Enjoy the spoils and happy gardening!!

  13. GreenMoney369 says:

