Overnight – Curled Cannabis Leaf Marijuana Grow Problem

Ak-49 Indoor Weed Plants in Veg
April 26, 2013
Medical marijuana seedlings + grow equipment
April 26, 2013

Overnight - Curled Cannabis Leaf Marijuana Grow ProblemI need some help with this problem that appeared overnight – many leaves are showing advanced curling. This is a big problem to sweep through so quickly… i…


  1. norcalibayarea408 says:


  2. CptHwdy2013 says:

    oh brother no way
    the spots look like PM 🙁
    get out the hydrogen peroxide start pullin them leaves off and start hittin ur stems diluted so it doesn’t spread
    the curl may be heat stress dude or a nute problem

  3. green landz says:

    its a P problem bro…i study cannabis and im 99%

  4. capricechild92 says:

    Didn’t read ur comments yet, but seeing the one leaf, I can tell you, you used too much bloom, just flush the plants that show it with PH 5.5 water. The second to that is heat. But I don’t think that’s a problem you got fans. Peace.

  5. THC Sacrament says:

    Make ur pH betwen 5.5-6.5 ! An exccess of Fe and Zn could make the P unavailable.
    Flush with clean water (left opened 25-30hours) 3 times more than the soil in the pot – so 15L soil flush with 45-50L water ! than add a fertilizer with more P than N and K ! hope they recover ! peacE !

  6. juicedcannabis says:

    probly a nute problem. I have never used hydrogen peroxide on a plant… must read up on that

  7. juicedcannabis says:

    Many thanks again for helping me grow the best medical weed! This is another example when the comments are more valuable than the video!

  8. Angie LupusLife says:

    no good, hope you get it figured out soon. Will be watching for posted updates about this. Sharing this video in case others might know what’s going on

  9. THC Sacrament says:

    I;m glad to hear that – I feel sad when i see unhealthy girls – what ever the reason is – i fucked up 10 times at least – maybe more – thats how you learn – but always read more comments – cause there are people who talk shit on purpose – and people who talk shit unknowingly ! peaCE !

  10. juicedcannabis says:

    yikes! White Powdery Mildew!! I’m onto the H2O2!

  11. WeedGrower WeedSmoker says:

    just add more of your bloom nutes and that should do it, but first flush out the plants and then add your nute again but with extra bloom… the plants love phosphorus especially when they are flowering so its kinda hard to give them nute burn by adding more phosphorus… i just went threw the same problem 2 weeks ago and got it fixed by doing this…

  12. Vincent Barrios says:

    It could be too much light or heat, but if it happened overnight, (then Im assuming the lights were off,) and it could be too much air blowing on them or too much humidity to make them curl to expire. It could also be a nute problem with too much NPK or maybe not enough Mg, but if you haven’t done anything new with nutes, than it could be too much water. If its too much nutes, flush them, if its too much water, let the dirt dry out real good b4 next water. Good luck!

  13. Permanently High says:

    Hey bro the captain is right,those spots thats white powder meldew,sorry bro,hope you dont depend on this grow,tsg peace.

  14. juicedcannabis says:

    So awesome to have #cannabis #growingtips from the best weed growers on Youtube! Many thanks for the details THC Sacrament – you and Capricechild92 make me, and my girls, very happy!!

  15. juicedcannabis says:

    I’ll be going with straight water for the next couple feedings… what should I do to get the Phosphorus corrected?

  16. WeedGrower WeedSmoker says:

    nice plants bro… but what you have is phosphorus deficiency. hope this helps:D

  17. DerpDerpity420 says:

    From what I’ve learned, some plants just don’t need or like nuits. I had lowered my lights one time and the same night forgot to drain my pans after a heavy water. Root temp plummeted, canopy got warmer vented all the moister in the leaves to stay cool and bam DPD lock. I was told to leave the leaf material on and the plant will naturally take from it what it needs before dropping it. I truly hope your bounce back. Mine did but delayed everything for about 3 weeks. Peace!
    BTW we are big fans!

  18. DerpDerpity420 says:

    I just had the same thing. I believe it is either VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit ) which can happen if your plants get too hot on top and the roots change temp too quickly or you have lock-out/lock up from over watering. Eitherway, raise your hood to minimize further lose of moisture from the leaves and flush then pray a bunch. I hope it works out for you. Peace.

  19. CptHwdy2013 says:

    ya if you dilute well you can kill that PM off
    a few people I know have used that suggestion and had 100% sucess

  20. juicedcannabis says:

    The heavily spotted plant was moved from one DWC bucket to another, and the Dieseltonic had just received a watering with strong flowering mix… both actions caused big stress! I flushed the potted plant, but never thought to check the water in the DWC bucket… Very good questions! Thanks!

  21. capricechild92 says:

    Yeah could be PM. I live in dry hot so never a prob for me. I wouldn’t add nutes. Maybe cal,mag to water but hey comments can help.. the lemon juice tip was horrible, left an ugly film on the leaves, not pretty. Lol peace. Stay green and hope u figure it out eh.

  22. juicedcannabis says:

    excellent! my #marijuana is looking better already! thanks!

  23. juicedcannabis says:

    I didn’t know what PM was – White Powdery Mildew – THAT is alarming, and worthy of instant action!

  24. juicedcannabis says:

    Thanks Derp! I removed all the curly leaves and flushed the soil with straight water… This plant is Desieltonic, and I’ve had trouble with it before… very sensitive plant!

  25. juicedcannabis says:

    Thanks Vincent! I did just that. Two gallons of ph corrected clear water… let’s hope tomorrow morning brings better results!

  26. brianj123458 says:

    I would say flush for few gallons and not feed for week when you go back to feeding them drop nutes back to about half or so will be watching peace

  27. juicedcannabis says:

    what is the best way to boost Phosphorus without stressing the other nutes?

  28. dirtybongwater4678 says:

    id get a grow bible and look it up they looked like they didnt agree with some nutes you added but you need to look at your own setup and see when they started to stress. did you add anything to your nutes? has your temp changed more then 30 degrees in a 24 hour span? did it get too dry or humid in the room? trace the steps you used and see if there is anything different

  29. Vincent Barrios says:

    remember… when in doubt, flush them out.
