Outdoor Trek With Trendy Nay!

ILLEGAL WEED OPERATION | ++AccidentalBroadcast
September 18, 2013
GTAV Pre Game Session
September 18, 2013

Outdoor Trek With Trendy Nay! for live chat with nay all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face boo…


  1. DomKoelsch89 says:

    wow you really made me watch it like it was my adventure, great vid man!

  2. Chris Akers says:

    iam tokinsmoke

  3. Phillip The Ferret says:

    Right on nature walk! 😀

  4. Chris Akers says:

    yo nay have u heard any chain saws going off out there

  5. ISBIAGDI says:

    Sick idea for a video nay. This was Kick ass man

  6. Ellen Sandler says:

    nay disappeared into the thicket and came out with the ticket

  7. Ellen Sandler says:

    This is one of my top fav videos of yours Nay!

    If I was a mountain lion that would be my fucking hotel right there buddy!

    Love you nay!!!

  8. Ricky Turk says:

    heck yea man thats the ticket!

  9. Chad IVXX says:

    FUNNY, me and a friend watched that 80’s movie caveman the other nite cawinkadink.

  10. Ellen Sandler says:

    I lost it laughing: “just grab something and start swinging…some crazy cave man comes running outta the cave all methed out n’ shit”

  11. josh perez says:

    I really enjoyed this video a lot!! thanks for sharing it with us hope to see more of these trendy as adventures haha. peace.

  12. htsauce420 says:

    Better be careful in the woods man, you might get mistaken for a squatch.

  13. Amber Thibeault says:

    Come face to face with a cave man with the same hair and beard haha! Good stuff

  14. lukinator0024 says:

    omg made me laugh so HARD! crazy meth cave person lol

  15. SniPrsGeTMoHeD says:

    Hell yeah right on. This forest would be badass to play airsoft in. Of course with biodegradable BBs though.
