OUTDOOR GROW UPDATE! Blueberry, Purps, Wrecks, MILKYNAY!

September 16, 2013
Flowering Medical Marijuana
September 16, 2013

OUTDOOR GROW UPDATE! Blueberry, Purps, Wrecks, MILKYNAY! for live chat with nay all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face boo…


  1. Fraggelfluff says:

    I agree!

  2. ATLGrower says:

    Garden of weeden. Nice!

  3. endtimedubs says:

    bring back the cooking wit nay vids

  4. DesertDank says:

    Man everything looks really good! Croptober should be a busy one. Id like to ask what your using there as a screen it shows at 14.49 and it also seems you have a nylon one as well. Which do you prefer? Thanks trendy and keep it up man!

  5. soloist bob says:

    fuck off

  6. trendyasdabbers says:

    lol yeah about 20 pounds of top shelf weed under that mess. it serves a purpose of keeping out mold if it rains, but i wouldn’t expect a youtube nub like you to understand, maybe you can become a professional troll stick. good luck tard.

  7. pinkfloyd426 says:

    Man what a garden!! Very nice 🙂

  8. ApenBaard says:

    oh dang, looks fucking delicious man 😀

  9. tony7ten says:

    thumbs up

  10. NCGANGAKID79 says:

    Why did you plant in a fucking junk yard, wow whata mess.

  11. Humboldt710 says:

    This plant right here, this plant right here, this that kryptacronacutalite. Looking great Nay!

  12. buddy fockler says:

    thanks for the update, great camera work! the plants look amazing, cant wait to see some harvest videos. peace!!

  13. butterfinger444 says:

    plants are looking good :)

  14. BHO594 says:

    Candy kush smell my finger”

  15. dankerbudzz says:

    lmao good one trendy and good job them are some killer lookin outdoor girls

  16. khris j says:

    those colas on thin mint looks like a v

  17. trendyasdabbers says:

    yes that is wire… chicken wire to be exact. the nylon is Garden Trelecing you can get from most garden centers. i prefer the trelece netting for its flexability

  18. miktabob1 says:

    NAY!!!! i haven’t been on in a while and you’re BACK!!!! i need to know, how many plants per hole, and how many litres of dirt per hole. Thank You!

  19. banjotuna says:

    i have a few strains that have pink too them, banana skunk and cheam-band, buddz look great.

  20. trendyasdabbers says:

    no it’s a husk off of a pine cone from a squirrel ripping them up high above the grow

  21. stank mcjank says:

    very nice

  22. ManoftheClouds says:

    Lookin good Nay. Can’t wait to see harvest time.

  23. jggm2011 says:

    Nice close-ups!

  24. jclp1972 says:

    dude..is that a huge moth?…2:51…wtf is that?

  25. bababludrawz says:

    Great work y’all..thumbz up

  26. DeadHeadGrower says:

    At 2:56 is that a moth .

  27. fatj5446 says:

    fucking obese man

  28. 1spore2 says:

    Keepin’ it trendy!

  29. Lone WeedMan says:

    That Blueberry is making my mouth water. Litterally, serious!!
