New camera Canon Vixia HF-G30 test footage

Motivational Marijuana #8-What if you were blind?
January 30, 2014
Blue Mystic Auto Day 45 from seed, Day 24F.
January 30, 2014

New camera Canon Vixia HF-G30 test footageTesting the video straight off camera. 35Mbps MP4 test.


  1. CanWeSmash ski says:

    Canon vixia?

  2. CustomGrow420 says:

    What nick said

  3. ClosetGrown420 says:

    watched in full screen 1080p, looks pretty good.

  4. Семён Пелевин says:

    новая камера,супер видео=)

  5. CanWeSmash ski says:

    plants look beaut

  6. android420 says:

    Wow, beautiful.

  7. oneshotgrow says:
  8. Nicolas Nugs says:

    looks great. cant wait to see it dialed. have a safe trip
