My New Grace Glass Circ Perc Bong (Amsterdam Weed Review)

DNA Genetics / Big Buddha / True Canna Genetics / Greenhouse Seeds Seminar PART 2 Cannabis Cup 2013
December 27, 2013
Лечебная трава из Узистана! Чумовое видео!
December 27, 2013

My New Grace Glass Circ Perc Bong (Amsterdam Weed Review) Thanks for watching! COMMENT and LIKE if you enjoyed the video and SUBSCRIBE to see my new videos as they are released. This video is…


  1. SocialMofucker says:

    How many Bongs you have, Andrew? ;)

  2. Felix Sheldon says:

    I just was looking at the same Pipe, nice looking, affordable, like it 

  3. Andrew Pyrah says:
  4. julkesjanssen says:

    nice bong!

  5. Brandon H says:

    I just got a piece similar! Its purple and white and black worked.

  6. ItsTheTrickAttack says:

    looks like a tasty hit dude

  7. Mark Hough says:

    I have 1 nearly identical, colour, shape & size but it’s made by Blaze
    Glass.. They look awesome !!

  8. Waxi Waxington says:

    Yeah da slits are dope

  9. russky salamander says:

    it sounds like a toilet flushing
