my girlfriend’s GROW UPDATE & a hiking date!

Marijuana GaRDeN FLoWeR RooM WeeK 4-6
August 24, 2014
Flower and veg with cooling.
August 24, 2014

my girlfriend's GROW UPDATE & a hiking date!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam! please keep


  1. TheRadboy84 says:

    first one in nice vid before i watch it lol! t.a.d till i d.i.e!

  2. Sink Florida Sink says:

    that ending lmao

  3. rayc1962 says:

    I am in Awe! Nice take 2!

  4. trendyasdabbers says:

    a MUST watch if you are trendy!

  5. Sink Florida Sink says:


  6. alvin v says:

    thanx for sharing 

  7. bombgroove80 says:

    awesome vid man! Thanks, that was awesome

  8. MrSlowskie says:

    great video
    26:40….too funny

  9. TheRadboy84 says:

    lmfao good ending

  10. TheRadboy84 says:

    outa breath…come on nay its not like you climbed up a mountain or


    That’s what you call getting lost in the ganja 

  12. Extreme Grow420 Ltd says:

    love the girlfriend grow massive plants! love the grow updates!

  13. MrSlowskie says:

    you should deffinitly do a pre harvest video

  14. Farmer Joe says:

    You sound like your going die man. 
