Marijuana Powdery Mildew Problems

Funny things growing in the garden – wheat grass and cactus LOL
March 12, 2013
Medical Cannabis Journal With Facts by Dr. William Courtney
March 12, 2013

Marijuana Powdery Mildew ProblemsWhile making this marijuana grow video, I discovered powdery mildew problems on a few lower leaves. I have a human safe spray and this is early in flowering….


  1. Matt Mernagh says:

    good ideas. humidity is currently 30% with night time temps 68F. working hard to solve this problem.

  2. marryjane419 says:

    that sucks bro PM comes in the night like a thief……..Good luck with that you will be in my prayers!! Peace & Respect

  3. Matt Mernagh says:

    appreciate it! working hard to keep my grow tent mildew free. it’s a bitch. but better than buds.

  4. MrPoopn8 says:

    Milk mixed at 1/10 with water will keep it back , but if you have to use it alot it will stink after a bit , I recommend Somas tip to use hydrogen peroxide at a 30% dilution rate , its working wonders for me , kills it instantly, don’t use serenade it wrecks the taste and smoke of the flower.

  5. Matt Mernagh says:

    im going to try the Hydrogen Peroxide next. thanks for the tip.

  6. austinog mack says:

    get a dehumidifier lots of air circulation keep your humidity between 45-60% no colder then 70 degrees at night n youll knock out that pm

  7. marryjane419 says:

    ty I like soma’s method…. peace
