Marijuana Growing EVERYWHERE

GSN Three Bong Gauntlet Pt. 2
July 19, 2013
Growing Marijuana 101 – Weed Growing Guide and Coaching
July 20, 2013

Marijuana Growing EVERYWHERE“A Göttingen group calling itself ‘A Few Autonomous Flower Children’ said in an open letter several pounds of marijuana seeds were spread around the city as …


  1. Jerrad Williams says:

    That last joke is a total Bill Hicks ripoff :p

  2. TheMarkcarmichael3 says:

    It’s ok to racially stereotype Germans then?

  3. SujanTheClaw says:

    I love this panel.

  4. xXalbatros1000Xx says:

    This is 100% better than TyTu common room….

  5. Ersa1a says:

    His Turkish accent is OK.

  6. PrettyLittleFairy94 says:


  7. Zach Henry says:

    He definitely isn’t smoking it right off the plant what a little poser

  8. AtomicHamburger1 says:

    One of the funniest religion bashes I’ve ever heard near the end of the video.

  9. dannytibi says:

    wenigen autonome Blumenkinder

  10. Nathan Callidor says:

    your the poison here kidstick, dont you have some brown people to bomb you fascist fuck?

  11. Nathan Callidor says:

    Why would you need to rise up into politics?

    A peoples court is a court where the people are the judge jury and executioner.

    The problem is that way of thinking imo, you have to defeat the system from the inside? bullshit if that mentality worked it would have stop such corruption and immorality from growing in the nation.

    Politicians, judges, police, presidents are nothing if the people wish them gone. Their laws mean nothing if the people do not agree to them either.

  12. Benom8 says:

    More lessons in German needed.

  13. Brian Turner says:

    That last comment was hilarious. Oh no I left pot everywhere now I have to create republicans.

  14. SusieBunny says:

    Yeah, amazing research on highly concentrated THC oil. Look into Phoenix Tears, and Rick Simpson’s Facebook page. People cure themselves, kids, pets, from cancer, diabetes, glaucoma. I think it also goes in correlation with Gerson therapy/organic raw diet. Amazing. Treated my dog with it when he couldn’t walk for weeks. He was running, jumping an even playing the first time in years. Power of food!

  15. Timxtrem1 says:

    Virgin is Jungfrau in german peace

  16. rainbo5250 says:

    Dr. Epstein said, ” We spend the money on screening, diagnoses, other words damage control,… wait until they get the cancer,….and then you try and treat it as such. The more drugs are bought,..THE HIGHER THE PROFIT. Now the more Z’s there is,…the greater the profit.”

    Cancer has proven to be a monstrous sized business, making billions upon billions in profits.

    Do you really think ‘they’ want you to have a CURE that grows for FREE & that ‘they’ can’t patent?


  17. cityzenjane2 says:

    Cenk should never do any sort of accent of any sort ever again.

  18. SmartK8 says:

    Weed is really weed (as in knapweed). It will grow anywhere.

  19. arkem204615 says:

    Damn I fucked up theirs pot everywhere

  20. ANTI9WACK9RAP says:

    I hope this happens all over the world

  21. ANTI9WACK9RAP says:

    by a trillion times

  22. Singleattackfucker says:

    I wish Cenk would sit on my face.

  23. 8Multiple8Universes8 says:

    Well, its been 10yrs since my last joint lol Don’t miss it at all… You get use to not doing something haha! I smoked from a young age too and other drugs in moderation after too, but how long? I’d say either 19 or 23, can’t remember, I’m 28 soon

  24. Xyless985 says:

    Woot for the Bill Hicks reference.

  25. Dragonfan209 says:

    If growing pot is illegal, should the government arrest the earth?

  26. Night Train says:

    Oh, the Lord’s been good to me.
    And so I thank the Lord
    For giving me the things I need:
    The sun, the rain and the Marijuana seed;
    Oh, the Lord’s been good to me.

  27. rainbo5250 says:

    What does Hemp oil work on and help to HEAL?

    * Skin conditions * Cancer * Diabetes * Infections * Glaucoma * Arthritis * Chronic pain * Burns * Ulcers * Warts * Moles *Any condition involving mutating cells * Migraine headaches *Asthma

     * Insomnia * Anxiety * Depression * Regulates body weight * Heals scar tissue * Rejuvenates vital organs!

    The Marijuana plant is the MOST medicinal plant in the world.

  28. samfisher170 says:

    REALLY? REALLY? REALLY? Just go play in traffic.

  29. TheDrizzit87 says:

    If you drank alcohol then you do drugs and look how many people die because of alcohol.

  30. puaxtc11 says:

    Guten Tighten. LMFAO

  31. TrueBarlowed says:

    It does NOT sound better in german!
    And please… no more german! O_O

  32. SusieBunny says:

    The ‘balls of fun’ are actually a flower. All marijuana plants that flower are female. :o)

  33. TrangleC says:

    I don’t get what is so incredibly funny about the German language – or better said the weird, warped idea most people have about how it is supposed to sound. They don’t make a “ching chang chong” joke every time they mention China or a Pidgeon English joke every time they mention India or start speaking Ebonics every time they talk about black people. Nooooo, that would be offensive.

  34. Xenite227 says:

    Not just pot, but coca and poppy as well.

  35. AvatarOfGames says:

    if i leave pot everywhere that will give humans the impression they’re supposed to USE IT!! xD

  36. AdmiralBetas says:

    Wow, those things grow pretty good. I liked the picture where it looked like two little trees, haha.

  37. bklyn ox says:

    You sir can go eat a dick for sure,15,000 Americans die from alcohol every year, why don’t protest against that poison? Marijuana can used to treat patients with various medical ailments, no body has ever died from marijuana use.

  38. v2rabb1t says:

    you guys understand that marijuana-planting is a gateway gardening to cocaine-planting and heroine-planting….

  39. 8Multiple8Universes8 says:

    Exactly, right! I just don’t have any interest in it anymore, but many people need it to be creative, etc? When I can be creative/in thought on normality… A natural if you will, and some aren’t. I have done many drugs, but never again, not even alcohol now. It just irritates me of people jumping on the bandwagon of weed curing cancer as if that justifies the smoking habit?

  40. rainbo5250 says:

    Mr. Dwyer, on discussing the closure of his lodge for discussing HEMP OIL, and it’s ability to CURE CANCER,….

    “I mean when you shut a Royal Canadian Legion down,….YOU OWE THE MEMBERS AND THE EXECUTIVE,…AT LEAST AN EXPLANATION OF WHY YOU SHUT THEM DOWN,….and if they shut us down over a CURE FOR CANCER,…….then who is doing the right thing?

    Us or them?”

    Figure it out people, ‘they’ don’t want you using the MOST medicinal plant in the world.

  41. BradTheAmerican says:

    science has fist fucked you and your shitty knowledge already. Marijuana is not a poison. Half the people with cancer in this world can be treated with marijuana AND certain medicine such as pain killers that you can get at drug stores has ingredients from marijuana.

  42. hozehd says:

    this is different

  43. César Bazán says:

    Ana is so beautiful!

  44. CoDisafishy says:

    I’m 100% certain more acts of crime were committed under the influence of alcohol.

  45. TheAtheistPaladin . says:

    Martin and Eugene died because they where shot. Marijuana can stay in the blood up to a month and not likely to cause violent behavior. Rodney King died because he drowned. Nice that you ignored the alcohol, cocaine, and PCP that they found in his system. So not only you are cherry-picking you are also using to make false correlations. Nice, dipshit.

  46. hozehd says:

    it should be common place

  47. rainbo5250 says:

    For supporting the CURATIVE & HEALING PROPERTIES of Hemp oil, the Royal Canadian Legion suspended the ENTIRE EXECUTIVE OF THE BRANCE #134,…along with any activities planned for the building until THEY INSTALLED A NEW MANAGEMENT TEAM!

    The RCMP raided and confiscated 1,600 medicinal plants from the yard of Mr. Simpson, who was using the oil from this crop to CURE CANCER PATIENTS, who came to him in need.

    The legion, was the ONLY MEETING PLACE available to the public in Maccan, Nova Scotia.

  48. Jparodyy says:


  49. rainbo5250 says:

    This is what happened when Rick Simpson contacted the Canadian Cancer Society in 2004, about the CURATIVE AND HEALING properties of Hemp oil,….. (including HEALING terminal cancer patients.)

    This is the official response: ……

    ” The Society does not endorse or support medical products or dietary supplements…thanks for your information.

    We wish you luck in your work.”

  50. paul72852002 says:

    Alcohol = “What the fuck happened last night?”
    Pot = “What the fuck happened to the Oreos?”
