LSP #42 ‘LST Cali Jane’

Medical grow. Vertical grow room SCROG octagon cages finished! ;D 5,500watts split 1,100 Hortilux HP
June 19, 2013
Laura Ingraham Fired Up Over Romney’s 47% Tape: ‘It’s Ridiculous&#821 [9-18-2012]
June 19, 2013

LSP #42 'LST Cali Jane'I considered all the risks of using a rubber band but I am still interested to see the results. This is my first time using this method check up on tomorrow…


  1. RetroStepsXJets says:

    Uploaded 46 secs ago.. Right on time!

    Keep it up!

  2. Soopa Villain says:

    My plant is from some weed I bought awhile back. Wasn’t all that. My plant older than yours and yours is more developed. Mines just in dirt & using water with it though.

  3. nahunvaliente says:

    Have you tried grafting with your favorite strains?

  4. Alexander Palumbo says:

    The audio would go in and out for me. I’m ony my ipad, that might by why.

  5. thizzlemania91 says:

    That’s kinda small for 42 days g420g. Are you feeding her yet?

  6. nobby1000 says:

    I love you 420G keep up the good work,ummm Cali Jane :))

  7. relientker says:

    how many plants do you have en total?

  8. nobby1000 says:

    Oh and try hair bands instead of the elacy bands  :))

  9. arlara10 says:

    It’s going to blow if your “little girl” turns out to be a dude! Don’t jinx yourself! Call it a plant!

  10. jeremy jones says:

    Lay her on the side new ts with out touching her. Lay the pot on it side

  11. Nicole Forshey says:

    whats up… what part of southern cali are you growing her in? just curious.

  12. Junior Cazares says:

    How long do you keep her like that man you never answer

  13. miracoli1993 says:

    If cali isn’t a girl ( the worst case Q_Q) will you start another?

  14. macbookgenius007 says:

    Great Job!

    Lovin the videos bro!

  15. balfourdie says:

    I really hope that Cali Jane is a girl cause I rather enjoy these daily videos.

  16. SuperMediMan says:

    throw a little sunblock on the rubber band as a lube and block from the sun

  17. Crystal Methamphetamine says:

    lol at the end you sound like Patrick Star trying to blow a bubble xD

  18. smparsons769 says:

    u made me nervous when you took her farther lol

  19. SuperMediMan says:

    do the subcool method and top that girl right at the first set of nodes so you have only 2 large fan leaves left so it will be super short and come up with 2 stocks and go from there building the perfect plant plant its scary I know and will take more time but trust it is soo much easier to build the perfect bush from there brother

  20. mindshotjon says:

    why don’t you use string instead of a rubber band?

  21. Elijah Lord-Minniti says:

    grow420guide you and me should smoke! i live in sacramento

  22. miracoli1993 says:

    & how is it going? everything fine with your lady? ;D

  23. miracoli1993 says:

    What up ma man just toke up, thought I might check for the LSPeps & boom 2 are there.
    gotta love this series … ;D

  24. smparsons769 says:

    love the vids keep it up. an when r u uploading medicating Mondays

  25. Anthony Lima Mok says:

    been following you since the start of ur LSP! Great help by just listening on how u grow ur plants! I am learning as much as i can from these videos. Great Job keep it up! Peace!

  26. Grow420Guide says:

    wed 6/19 3:00 pm PST so sorry 🙁
