Keep That Train Rollin’ !
January 21, 2014
Chillin Into the New Year
January 21, 2014



  1. Dn Ppe says:

    Are ther any coops that lease grow space

  2. Dn Ppe says:

    Hye nay, Im looking at zillow right now, lake county to be specific. Can i
    buy a piece of land and grow or does it have to have a house ont he land?

  3. trendyassnay says:

    Republican Woman

  4. ruis mont says:

    let the trendies build a spot on your property lol

  5. jamie ford says:

    i have always wanted to move to america but it wouldn’t be for a few years
    if i ever did

  6. jamie ford says:

    how much is the land say if i had 70 thousand uk pounds would it be worth
    the move or would that buy a shit property

  7. trendyassnay says:

    stressing the “moron” part.

  8. Craig Mobbs says:

    Nectar of the Gods Nay 🙂

  9. 408NortherNcali says:

    Whats the rent hitting for over there nay?!

  10. Shaun Nay says:

    Thumbs up for Nay! Trendy as fuck!

  11. trendyassnay says:

    = oxymoron

  12. thegatorviking says:

    get this man’s name out there, can’t let this kind of stuff stand anymore

  13. Ray William says:

    cheers Trendy!

  14. Shaun Nay says:


  15. scooby spliffs says:

    lol if your talking about google+ im following all of em hahaha

  16. scooby spliffs says:


  17. 408NortherNcali says:


  18. Dn Ppe says:

    I was going to move to co but people said it is impossible to sell to the
    dispensaries becuase of the seed to sale regulation

  19. Craig Mobbs says:

    I have a 3yr old girl bro and i agree how the hell can I teach her to trust
    the cops when this shit happens

  20. trendyassnay says:

    Timothy Toye and Associates

  21. Shaun Nay says:

    So what happens when republican women go through “THE CHANGE”? lol

  22. jamie ford says:

    i think 70 thousand is about 114,000 dollars

  23. Game Guru Okamoto says:

    good times

  24. scooby spliffs says:


  25. Zonal Bowl says:

    Morning everyone. Happy 4:20, cheers!

  26. 408NortherNcali says:

    I try to avoid cops as much as possible, if i have to interact with one, i
    get phony as shit with a big smile on my face. usually works. lol

  27. tonymengela says:

    I went out a few weeks ago and got over 100 petitions signed and helped get
    it on the ballot here in FL

  28. Dn Ppe says:

    Shit, you renting out a room , Nay? Id pay to be your apprentice!

  29. Craig Mobbs says:

    Nay when are we gonna see some more cooking with Nay videos? dig those vids

  30. dol ch says:

    Nay! I miss ya man.

  31. Craig Mobbs says:

    Shared on FB

  32. ruis mont says:

    a tree fort to shelter the trendies

  33. thegatorviking says:

    signed sealed and delivered nay

  34. ruis mont says:

    check out this website if you are intrested in learning and traveling

  35. derek otto says:

    good mornig nay

  36. trendyassnay says:

    Legalize Everywhere!

  37. scooby spliffs says:

    lost count on ho many youtube accounts you have lol

  38. Dn Ppe says:

    Is there a way to find houses to rent that are grow friendly?

  39. Game Guru Okamoto says:

    took a while for the site to show me at the bottom of page but its there M.
    H. Colorado Springs, CO January 21, 2014 Signature # 1,203

  40. scooby spliffs says:

    morning nay

  41. Dn Ppe says:

    Just ordered a d-nail!

  42. Dn Ppe says:

    How much is the low end and high end for rental prices?

  43. bababludrawz says:

    Signed it…thumbz up

  44. scooby spliffs says:


  45. 408NortherNcali says:

    post to face book after signing yall

  46. Zonal Bowl says:

    Thumbs up!

  47. Dn Ppe says:

    Nay could you put together a video for the trendys explaining the process
    of moving from out of state to cali with the intent of getting setup?

  48. 408NortherNcali says:

    hahaha morons

  49. 408NortherNcali says:

    ya i think in CO they have to grow all medicine on site

  50. rhinoman2000 says:

    looks nice bro
