LED Grow Auto Blue Cheese Harvest

That 70’s show saison 1 épisode 6 La Fête The Keg
October 16, 2014
Marijuana Growing Room
October 17, 2014

LED Grow Auto Blue Cheese Harvesttoobies, got my auto blue cheese harvest here, from big buddha seeds on day 85. real frosty n yummy looking. also looking forward to growing this as a regular plant as well. enjoy.


  1. Eron Johnson says:

    Nice man buds look like some fire 

  2. smorgjr says:

    looks really nice…bet it taste even better 

  3. XxPANCOTTOxX says:

    lol that shower room is dope as FUCK! looks great as usual man excited to
    see you grow some regular plants too! 

  4. noircomics12 says:

    That Blue Cheese looks phenomenal man!

  5. Eron Johnson says:

    LED Grow Auto Blue Cheese Harvest: http://youtu.be/_hq3YdFvnnM

  6. Drew boy says:

    Looks good brother!! i hope my blue cheese turns out half as decent as
    yours!! Mine is a photo-period and from Barney’s not big buddha!So we shall
    see lol much luv keep it green and make some effin hash son!!!!
