Indoor Tent Setup Part 2 Cleaning Fans and Ducting

Pierce Morgan : Gun Violence Victim? We should be so lucky!
October 16, 2013
DWC Grow #4 mini HHT!!!!
October 16, 2013

Indoor Tent Setup Part 2 Cleaning Fans and DuctingPart 3: Light Fixture & Ventilation Assembly (Thurs) Music by: Intro Song: Space_01 Outtro Song: Soft_01.


  1. halfbaked420guys says:

    I posted on your strain pick video for your new grow and just to say again brother you need to run the sharksbreath it is the most unique smoke and smell and next time you take a road trip come to North Carolina we can fill your memory card up bro lol much love and respect and good growing

  2. twista locc says:


  3. MrMiggy420 says:

    Love all your videos, You have made me a better grower!

  4. ghetto Grows says:

    Love All The Work Bro Been a O.G for years, you gotta start a LSP again ASAP!!!

  5. TEXAS MERK SESH says:

    cant wait till everything is up and running

  6. TheCannabis420Vlog says:

    Hey all you experienced growers out there I recently went and got some clones but I don’t really know anything bout clones if you can stop by my channel and help me out that would be great peace HAPPY GROWING

  7. sckloste says:

    I have an air purifier that will help with the dust. You can contact me if you want some info.

  8. JAHGIFT420 says:

    cool stuff

  9. MarvinMarbles says:

    damn, I’m excited about this!

  10. Marcus Yellow says:

    Thumbs up G420G!

  11. Qickscopzzl96 says:

    Cant wait for the grow
