i got hooked up from pure essentials…

How to install a MLC-4 light controller
May 27, 2013
Vac Purging U.K. Cheese from butter to shatter! Watch end for results!
May 27, 2013

i got hooked up from pure essentials...ive been waiting for these nutes for 2 months or more. they sent me the whole line up almost. what they didnt send i will buy. this is the same as big dan us…


  1. meghan00851 says:

    Lucky lil ass. now ur good to go BIG!! good luck!

  2. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    talked sweet to the secretary….

  3. drscandersongt says:

    Sweet!!! Stoked to c another dwc grower running this line. I follow big Dan but he uses concentrations that are off the charts for me; grateful to c a comparison. Happy gardening _/|\_

  4. GreenThumbMedicinal says:

    Hydro stores carry it here I would love to know how u ithook up like that

  5. GreenThumbMedicinal says:

    How much did they charge u

  6. Mystjah says:

    Good stuff brother

  7. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    i dosed my dwc last night. penelope better hurry up and finish so i can get that thing some more room.

  8. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    absolutelymotherfuckingnothing!!! samples my friend!!!!

  9. MrEvolutiongonewrong says:

    result!,, have a good one!

  10. dirtybongwater4678 says:


  11. brianj123458 says:


  12. akasmokesalot johnny says:

    hmmm…ms. parker with black label nutes in a bucket of bubbly water???? what is the prize for the most yeild? or best quality?….i have seen what pure essentials does to big dans crops .they didnt send bud a or b, bud enhance, or flush but i can buy all that for about 40 bux maybe….i dont know if my hydro store even sells this stuff or if i have to buy online…good luck everyone involved!!!

  13. GreenThumbMedicinal says:

    Love to know how u got hooked up like that big are the bottles
