Humidity 101

December 30, 2014
trees – Mon Dec 29 20:05:45 EST 2014
December 30, 2014

Subscribe already! Understand how relative humidity affects your plants and how to monitor, manage and master it to take total control of your indoor garden / grow room. We explain what humidity…


  1. Berts Garage says:

    Awesome videos buddy! You pack a lot of useful information into nice short
    vids. Sometimes I think you’re trying to set a record for most hydro info
    per minute! haha Keep it up dude!

  2. Drew Grow says:

    Great speaking voice you have there. You should be reading for commercials
    . But wait act now and we will double your order all for 19.99 lol 

  3. joe harrison says:

    The guy at the end of the half naked girls on the beach shots made me
    laugh. :)
