How To Scrog – Marijuana Growing

Haze Berry – RQS – Week 8 after germination + Nutrient Lockout + 1st week under the Scrog net.
September 13, 2013
Seattle Cannabis Cup – Wandering Around
September 13, 2013

How To Scrog - Marijuana GrowingRead All About Scrogging Or Download FREE Grow Guide?


  1. Igniter4life says:

    How come that you can upload music without notification by Youtube for autor rights?
    Nice growing btw ;D

  2. Drew Grow says:

    Nice those little plants. They look like one big cola growing out of the ground

  3. ebond0071 says:

    Very nice.

  4. Robert Bergman says:

    Youtube pays rights holders by showing ads in my video. Yields of up to 21 oz per light are possible… Check link in description to read more about scrogging

  5. Leetkingdavid says:

    awesome! good yields per light?
