How To Grow Marijuana In 13 Minutes (extensive indoor weed grow-op)

Cloning Cannabis Video Tutorial – Part 4 Growing Cuttings in the Clone Kit
January 12, 2012
Medical Marijuana Grow Room Photo Shoot
January 12, 2012

How To Grow Marijuana In 13 Minutes (extensive indoor weed grow-op)Awesome growing marijuana very informative video to help future and present growers. How to grow marijuana video.


  1. skullkiller123 says:

    Yea im sorry you can grow it easier and have it smoke just the same, alot of work lmao.

  2. thedillestpickle says:

    daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn that guy is effecient

  3. sunday123ish says:

    to complicated

  4. UntamedRacer says:

    fuckin so sick man.

  5. murlocslavemaster says:

    The “Actor” ‘s name is Odin? 😛 cool. Awesome video. Enjoyed every second of it!

  6. StormieLette420 says:

    ima do mine like this. not as complex as a set up and probably not so many little details like him but fuckin’ amazing much respect for puttin’ in so much effort.

  7. mikexthexbeast says:


  8. BaaBaaBlackShark says:

