Highly Educated Domeless Post Dabs!

5 weeks into flower.. How am I doing?
January 11, 2014
Trendys Out & About! FUN TIMES YES!
January 11, 2014

Highly Educated Domeless Post Dabs!BRAND NEW! catch me playing BF4 LIVE w/ inset CAM! Please subscribe to this channel and come to


  1. Mike Petruccelli says:

    Thanks nay!i tried it and it really works!!!cheers

  2. 420Terrorist says:

    Highly Educated Domeless Post Dabs! A new dabbing method!

  3. anthony crisci says:

    HD NICE!!!

  4. Mike Petruccelli says:

    I tried it and it totally works nay..lol thanks again Nay!!

  5. 234cheech says:

    yo n

  6. UntamedRacer says:

    great video, very informative thanks nay
