Grow marijuana setup and video log Hydro 1000 hps how to Part 2/11

Grow marijuana setup and video log Hydro 1000 hps how to Part 11/11
January 9, 2012
What Medicinal Marijuana Does
January 9, 2012

Grow marijuana setup and video log Hydro 1000 hps how to Part 2/11Seedling and vegetative and flowering stage cannabis marijuana pot weed grow. 1000 HPS MH Flood and Drain (Ebb and Flow) hydroponic system growing 2 strains: lemon skunk and chemdog. The is the first part describes the setup. The next parts will have updates from seedling to flowering; and the harvesting, drying, curing and final stats. I am using advanced nutrients and Dyna-Gro products. The indoor grow setup is a flood and drain system using rock-wool plugs in Hydroton pellets.


  1. MOFOSSA says:

    dope vid im subbed

  2. dmtudder says:

    @MOFOSSA Thanks! My first subscriber!! Sweet!
