Getting her started

DIY How To: Tidy Cats 5 Gallon DWC Part 2
May 26, 2013
Ms Viva Voce On The Scene: Uptown Comedy Jam
May 26, 2013

Getting her startedStarted germinating Ms.Parker this morning.


  1. GimP ReaPeR says:

    Ahhhhhh theres a creep in ur garden kill it! (garden gnome i hate them lol) Childproof… almost woman proof lmao. your lucky you got ur seeds so fast. The wait continues for me.


    ya my boy dirty3rd sent me a package and its been a week and still nuttin… guess tha motha fucka went MIA

  3. reedakiss420 says:

    Just startwd mines too hope you grow well

  4. 69DMrscrazy says:

    Thanks me and kids were planning on checkin it out. Have a Great Holiday Derp and Fam. i cant wait to see what everyone is doing with their Ms.P!!

  5. DerpDerpity420 says:

    Good luck. This looks like a fun bunch to grow with. We wish you and yours a safe and fun holiday weekend. Make sure to look west 1/2 hour after sundown for the next couple of nights. You’ll see 3 planets at once. Not again ’till 2026. Peace!
