Exoticgenetix Afterlife OG

April 12, 2014
Dabkerchief Website is now Offically Open
April 13, 2014

Exoticgenetix Afterlife OGExoticgenetix Afterlife OG. 63 days flower.


  1. greenersideoflife levi says:

    Tangie was nice but the first snap of the afterlife og. Owww wwwweeeeee

  2. ClosetGrown420 says:


  3. bsmashing24 says:

    Wuzzuper bro love the bud cracked open to show the goodness inside so nice
    neon color inside so so frosty through out looks tasty yee yee!

  4. TjrA homemadegrowbox says:

    Luv the OGs bro
    Looking good
    Keep on
    Growers Luv 

  5. Red Lion says:


  6. Greg Bedford says:

    Living the dream man, Keep up the gud work!!

  7. ljd09032 says:

    Whats that beat from? That ish was bangin in my headphones!

  8. Smoke King 420 says:

    This stuff is so dank the smell is amazing! One of my new favorites great

  9. The Happy Camper says:

    Daaaaaaaaaaamn….. *Smokie voice*

  10. The Happy Camper says:

    Daaaaaaaaaaamn….. *Smokie voice*

  11. Natural Skull says:

    top bud super nice but the sound is gay
    cheers and peace

  12. Nicolas Nugs says:

    very nice. looks really dense. frosty!

  13. oneshotgrow says:
  14. StonerKid420 says:

    Thats sexy as f**k good job man keep it up.

  15. greenersideoflife levi says:

    Tangie was nice but the first snap of the afterlife og. Owww wwwweeeeee

  16. Casey K says:

    Dope intro.
