East Coast Guerrilla Grow

stay smoking
October 15, 2013
Grow Update – Lollipop Prunning
October 15, 2013

East Coast Guerrilla GrowFor today’s episode we will be going back in time, and taking a tour of JipsÄ”‘s garden.It’s always a honor to be able to showcase another farmers work. Take …


  1. IDropShotJFK says:

    Was this in a state with mmj? or was it… eh.. ‘legal’? aha

  2. TheGallant67 says:

    You guys are new and wet behind the ears. People been doing that shit for a long time.plus those bags are fucking canvas shopping bags that dont need no patten

  3. bkdv says:

    what size bags are those?

  4. John Doe says:

    And I knew that snail trick when I was 12, retards

  5. Steven Dennis says:

    Old video no face.  I like when we get to see your face Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. OPG. Other peoples grows

  6. Blaze Gnet says:

    fruit flys likes beer too man , for the
    in doors

  7. soulles305 says:

    How do you get a huge stem like that

  8. Charlie Harper says:

    Wow Toronto looks amazing!

  9. oneshotgrow says:

    Its a MMJ state

  10. SebPoesser says:

    I dont know why but i preferred the videos you where anonymous in….. I couldn’t even say why…

  11. Pill ZanKodean says:

    Where can i get dha pots doe?

  12. Millitant Mob says:

    I just learned somthing new, with thee beer.Thank for the gud uplaod

  13. XXTexasKidXX1 says:

    I have got to know where you guys get your seeds I want to start a grow of my own

  14. carl smith says:

    Garla tents boiiii

  15. LVMTRANSAM LVM says:

    lst pot is a geo pot knock off

  16. Ms. Dee Bey says:

    man I need to contact you other than on here ASAP. Inbox me you number or or something PLEASE

  17. NEBBIA says:


  18. Jipsē Glass says:

    Haha good times brudda !

  19. veltape says:

    yeah my grandmom used to do it, only she would take a soda bottle cut it about a 1/4 the way down and turn the opening in so it was like a funnel they get in but cant get out.

  20. Dylan Gunning says:


  21. trumpetman2529 says:

    Hah I leaned that beer trick from King of the Hill

  22. Blaze Kush says:

    roots look good but looks like they have some kinda deficiency nitrogen or phosphates? try bat guano or earthworm castings 

  23. willy wilson says:

    that technique has been around forever man lol, budwieser works the best tho, seriously idk why but budwieser works the best lol

  24. David Lakatos says:

    Tell The Fed’s to F off. With the DEA and NSA working together all they are doing is entrapping people. Fascist Authoritarians Control Freaks. The Supreme Court won’t reclassify Marijuana. This shows that we have a Quasi American Government. .

  25. miha58789 says:


  26. John Doe says:

    those suck

  27. DANIEL HEATLEY says:

    lol for the slug guts insect guts mixed with human blood 420 guide is a chemist loll

  28. etf4lyfe666 says:

    My mom does this for her strawberry plants and the birds eat the slugs and get drunk off them

  29. MrBb3k says:

    The intro is sick

  30. Jipsē Glass says:

    The patent is on the fabric elastic loops that low stress train branches like a fuckin bow flex hahaha

  31. LeanandG13 says:

    lol Patten on a bag good one!

  32. Yogisbigdabs420 says:

    east cost baby 
