Discussing LIVE with Nay: AU Hostages, NC Lynching, Dick on Torture, Cosby’s Wife!

CannApolis – Day 2
December 22, 2014
A Steady Diet – ORANGUBANG – The Hip Less Hopped (Official Music Video)
December 22, 2014



  1. Dazed One says:

    Lol he didnt talk about anything in the title

  2. zigzag healz says:

    Dick is a scum bag and he should be turned over to the countries that would
    want him arrested for war crimes

  3. Dazed One says:

    I scrolled thru the video three times and you did not talk about shit other
    than fucking tsu. If its so easy to find why dont you start putting the
    time of where you talk about it up so i dont have to watch you play with
    yourself for two hours to catch one minute of something worth while

  4. Legalize Everywhere says:

    please share this video so that a troll may LIVE!

  5. Bombshell Bartholomew says:


  6. zigzag healz says:

    Nay have you seen some of these ladies that have come out against cosby
    all I have to say is WOW they are powerful ladies and it blows me away to
    think they thought cosby as being so powerful so scary that they couldn’t
    come forward when it happened. not saying he didn’t rape some of these
    ladies but for 20 women to come forward and not come forward back when it
    happened I just am stunned some of these ladies are very rich and powerful
    and even back when this happen im sure they had a chip on there shoulder to
    get to were they are now. I think that some are true but I think some have
    jumped on the ban wagon. So if I was cosby all I would say is that they are
    lies and just retire and hoard his millions. just don’t believe out of 20
    women that there wasn’t one of them to come out and push the issue back
    then. So did he do it I can not say yes for fact but I cant so no for fact
    = I mean these ladies know you need a rape kit and when they said they were
    drugged they would have been tested for that as well even back then. I
    smell gold diggers and I could be wrong but for 20 ladies to sit back and
    see him make millions and not say anything for what 15 -20 years come on.
    I know how you feel about this nay I just cant believe it cant come to
    grips with him being a rapist. SORRY GUYS

  7. Matt Reilly says:

    Twosevenboy yeahhhh enjoy his
