Diallation measurement on a FaceBook post & other sad morons…

Headline Punchline: Dennis Rodman, ICP, Velveeta, and The Bachelorette | DAILY REHASH | Ora TV
January 15, 2014
Smoking a 24K GOLD joint.
January 15, 2014

Diallation measurement on a FaceBook post & other sad morons... come see me live right now! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ABOVE THANKS! NEW LINKS BELOW! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please…


  1. Alysia Thompson says:

    i have no dab i have bs tokes from a metal piece but yes a toke with you

  2. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Id love to hang but i really have to go get stuff done on the farm here…
    Peace everyone!

  3. Vincent Squatch says:

    Those cell power pad chargers are nice you just lay your phone /phones on
    it and it charges are easy use

  4. BigJoe Kasulis says:


  5. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    73* nice!

  6. anthony crisci says:

    i get restless legs when I’m not walking/exercise enough once i get
    exercise it goes away for me maybe that’ll help ya

  7. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    you got me thinking… 🙂 I want to work up a whole station thats custom
    fit for the Perfect Temp E-nail

  8. dol ch says:


  9. smokindute says:

    nay i just sent you a facebook message of this phone app that makes your
    speech into a rap haha and i recorded you

  10. David Campione says:

    i have some asshole on my FB tell me its made up too, those people are
    crazy it does exsist

  11. trendyassnay says:


  12. waltmann66 says:

    What up nay!!!

  13. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    got ya

  14. smokindute says:

    i think you have to like unlock them somehow

  15. Hatchet Man says:

    mah +milla amp hour

  16. sajomacity00 says:

    TRENDY NAY! sup bro where’s the burger and fries today?! lol

  17. Ryan Hunsberger says:

    ill toke with u with my incognito name too lol u jus cant see me that’s all

  18. Ryan Hunsberger says:

    nay what got u doing vids? im a new sub so if u have a vid covering this
    jus let me kno

  19. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Be safe Nay and trendys!! Later

  20. Johnny Pot says:


  21. Vincent Squatch says:

    see you later Bro

  22. Ryan Hunsberger says:


  23. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Your Welcome Glad you could find a use for it.

  24. Ryan Hunsberger says:


  25. anthony crisci says:

    nay u can’t read all that lol

  26. Alysia Thompson says:


  27. smokindute says:

    its mad easy to use its call autorap my bud showed my yesterday

  28. trendyassnay says:


  29. Ryan Hunsberger says:

    im riding my bike to the store for minchies after this bowl

  30. Alysia Thompson says:

    a toke nay?

  31. TheKrimron says:

    Yo Nay

  32. smokindute says:

    make some kinda make shift bipod

  33. sajomacity00 says:

    word i feel ya maybe some chicken or fish?

  34. Alysia Thompson says:


  35. smokindute says:

    hahahaha nice!!

  36. Vincent Squatch says:

    Californians enjoying the 70 degree weather? It will be GREAT in the summer
    water restrictions and 130 degrees YEA !!!

  37. Ryan Hunsberger says:

    hey now u can make ur own music so u don’t get copyright strikes lol

  38. Alysia Thompson says:

    mmm yesss lunch out

  39. Ryan Hunsberger says:

    ill smokr a bowl but I don’t have dabs lol

  40. dol ch says:


  41. trendyassnay says:


  42. Vincent Squatch says:

    Orchid from SF great stoner Metal

  43. Jeremy Scott says:

    adhd is a hyperactivity disorder where you cant sit still

  44. Alysia Thompson says:

    lol my incognito name

  45. Hoss IVXX says:


  46. Dave Dab says:


  47. BigJoe Kasulis says:

    Right on!

  48. sajomacity00 says:

    no its wed bro

  49. Vincent Squatch says:

    \,,,/ NAY RULES \,,,/

  50. dol ch says:

    3.3 feet
