Death Star Cannabis Strain Showoff And Weed Smoke Session Out of a Bong

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August 2, 2014
Medicinal Patient John Berfelo Speaks Out (2014-07-30)
August 2, 2014

Death Star Cannabis Strain Showoff And Weed Smoke Session Out of a BongCROP KING SEEDS | +1 (604) 563 0291 | Marijuana Seeds Canada


  1. Joseph Smith says:

    Good review. Conaning, lol.

  2. Brad Piff says:

    Conaning the shit outta hus buds lmfaoo

  3. Liam Duff says:

    Conan your throat. U are irritating. Buds are tits.. But you are dicks.
    Hopefully someone puts their foot down & shitcans the idea of you posting
    anything that involves your talking. How bout the king himself, pushing you
    down the escalator traveling up @the mall for the next vid?
