Dana Larsen & Jenn Bennett interviewd by Jason Wilcox 4:20 2014

Funny Dogs HIGH on Weed Brownies Compilation! (Funny Dogs Channel)
April 25, 2014
BigDansGreenThumb Genetics In The House……
April 25, 2014

Dana Larsen & Jenn Bennett interviewd by Jason Wilcox 4:20 2014In this footage of 4:20 2014 opening it up with Jenn from the Coalition against Repeal followed by an interview with Dana Larsen of Sensible BC.

1 Comment

  1. TooDabbed says:

    another great video brother
    great little interview with Dana too !
    Any word yet on those of us that are moving? I move next week and have 9
    girls that are 10 days into flower and just all starting to show,
    regardless, the garden is coming with me and going to be up and running but
    havent heard anything yet on us changing locations…
