Sweet Island Skunk Flower Pruning
January 17, 2014
Headline Punchline: Dennis Rodman, Velveeta, & The Bachelorette | DAILY REHASH | Ora TV
January 17, 2014

CRYSTAL CLEAR SHATTER TO SHOW & TELL & DAB! come see me live right now! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ABOVE THANKS! NEW LINKS BELOW! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please…


  1. KushBarrys hogue says:


  2. HappyHighTime says:

    Damm that shatter patty is beautiful bro!!

  3. NothingCleanRight says:

    would love to yam down a j right now

  4. Zonal Bowl says:

    Oranges are bomb

  5. Alseas Elmar says:

    do five dunks in a row

  6. MrSlowskie says:

    nay you look like you want a pizza

  7. hjfgyi .mbv,m says:

    4:20 in southern cali cheers

  8. jeremy walker says:

    do u ever smoke joints ??

  9. KushBarrys hogue says:

    Time da,cheerz!

  10. TeeWebzz says:

    nay what uppp

  11. Zonal Bowl says:

    Happy 7:10!

  12. KushBarrys hogue says:


  13. HappyHighTime says:

    hey Nay, like ice in your bong sometimes on those hot days?

  14. HASHHASSIN says:

    Hey Nay bro Rabbies get heart attack when they see you are cooking bacon 🙂

  15. NothingCleanRight says:

    nay cant even process whats going on just kinda chilling

  16. Zonal Bowl says:


  17. Craig Mobbs says:

    G’day Nay so today’s the day hopefully the Dr decided to make the right
    decision for me to go legal I’ll let you know how it turns out 🙂

  18. Anon0pz says:


  19. Anon0pz says:

    sup nay, huge yield ya got!! cheers man!

  20. Dave Dab says:

    wat up!

  21. nickrod32 says:

    chain dabs

  22. Dn Ppe says:

    Yo nay! Good evening good sir, how goes the night?

  23. Glenn Livar Voster says:

    so idk why, but ur sound is like really low here for me 

  24. Zonal Bowl says:


  25. KushBarrys hogue says:

    @Nay,does any of ur Shatter get down to the OC clinics?

  26. NothingCleanRight says:

    get some topics on the go? 😀

  27. NothingCleanRight says:

    couldent hack it, he started falling over dropped a shit ton of bud feel
    into hedge ha then got up face planted the floor and ran over and jumped
    down omg

  28. Farmer Joe says:

    Love your cooking segs.

  29. KushBarrys hogue says:

    & a bowl of danks

  30. Zonal Bowl says:

    Get that thumbs down outta here

  31. Craig Mobbs says:

    Pic looks good bro

  32. NothingCleanRight says:

    too fucking hectic earlyer bought a 10, rolled a joint hit my straight away
    too hectic for life was going mad, then too some to my mate and we had a
    joint and he was smashed it was jokes

  33. Zonal Bowl says:


  34. 620tonka says:

    why bro..why

  35. HASHHASSIN says:

    looks like beautiful metorite

  36. Zonal Bowl says:

    Happy 4:20!

  37. 234cheech says:


  38. Zonal Bowl says:

    Nay, how long do you think that amount would last you?

  39. trendyassnay says:


  40. Farmer Joe says:

    Gotta replenish brother.

  41. KushBarrys hogue says:

    Awesome T,by the way

  42. KushBarrys hogue says:

    Damn that shatter looks tastey & expensive!!!

  43. Farmer Joe says:

    Whats for dinner bro?

  44. NothingCleanRight says:

    yes nay finally catching a live show!

  45. Glenn Livar Voster says:

    high, how’s it goin?

  46. MW2UNoMe13 says:

    Sup Trendys!

  47. Anon0pz says:

    almost 420 on west coast!

  48. UntamedRacer says:

    wow looks amazing

  49. NothingCleanRight says:

    never done dabs they look jokes though, seen shoe nice do them he goes

  50. Zonal Bowl says:

    Thumbs Up!
