COOKIN’ WITH NAY in his trendy ass apron!

Boerejongens Coffeeshop Amsterdam – Tour & Interview – Smokers Guide TV
June 6, 2014
The Walking Dead Season 2 Ep 2 – 100% of people chose to (HUG KENNY) [4K 1080p HD]
June 6, 2014

COOKIN' WITH NAY in his trendy ass apron!all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. aaf9666 says:

    yeah id like to see another gro update

  2. tim xxhawk says:

    you look wiped bro

  3. xhalfbaked420x says:

    lol still here almost knodded off

  4. aaf9666 says:

    hemp cereal is good

  5. Ethan Naler says:

    Dude you are so weird!! *Subscribed* :D

  6. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    Hot here is SC

  7. tim xxhawk says:


  8. adam kilo says:

    he just vanished

  9. tim xxhawk says:

    that is a bummer

  10. tim xxhawk says:

    sry i always forget

  11. Emo64401 says:

    k back, wheres nay?

  12. nick halifaxuk says:

    blimey bears here in the uk we think weve got it bad with stray cats in the
    neighbourhood hahahaha

  13. Ethan Naler says:

    You drink it black??

  14. tim xxhawk says:

    Nay you need to do a out door up date

  15. chrisregpick says:

    They are a shit load of Bears out this year. Everywhere.

  16. nick halifaxuk says:

    u look knackered nay ..peace…

  17. nick halifaxuk says:

    hell i feel crap about this new law and i live in the north of the uk …

  18. tim xxhawk says:


  19. chrisregpick says:

    the dog is lose again

  20. nick halifaxuk says:

    there u go i made it 50 yee haaaa

  21. tim xxhawk says:

    sup trendys

  22. nick halifaxuk says:

    he was here then (poof) he was gone haha lol

  23. tim xxhawk says:

    got ya sry

  24. Billie Ballantine says:

    titts are better

  25. chrisregpick says:

    yo Tim

  26. tim xxhawk says:

    love watchin your videos always out in the wild i like that

  27. tim xxhawk says:

    alll good bro

  28. chrisregpick says:

    he is fat and happy. Chased a bear away on Friday night. Kinda off. 😉

  29. aaf9666 says:


  30. Billie Ballantine says:

    got eaten by Ghosts

  31. adam kilo says:

    cool in Illinois too man

  32. sbdank bud says:

    yo just got back

  33. Emo64401 says:

    alright guys, ima call it a night, Peaces.

  34. sbdank bud says:

    it would be cool to smoke some of your flowers nay!

  35. chrisregpick says:

    I seriously learn a lot, every grow video you make.

  36. adam kilo says:

    whats up tim

  37. tim xxhawk says:

    deeogee my man

  38. Emo64401 says:

    annnnnd now u got 50 😀

  39. Emo64401 says:


  40. adam kilo says:

    later emo

  41. Chung Mane says:

    whats going on

  42. tim xxhawk says:

    he strung out on live streeming….lol

  43. tim xxhawk says:

    all good

  44. trendyasdabbers says:


  45. tim xxhawk says:

    by the way chris how is deogee

  46. IronLungs Mcgee says:

    I just almost stepped on a huge nasty ass spider full of babies. took some

  47. chrisregpick says:

    You tell me when you need some more syrup Tim.

  48. Billie Ballantine says:

    You OK, Nay?

  49. sbdank bud says:

    that sucks

  50. tim xxhawk says:

    cool in Pa tonight bro
