Colombia Drugs Forum Pushes Coca and Marijuana Legalization

1x Amnesia haze + 8 Power plant flowering day 25
September 27, 2013
PARALLELS “Choice” Episode 6
September 27, 2013

Colombia Drugs Forum Pushes Coca and Marijuana LegalizationOfficials in Colombia propose the decriminalisation of coca cultivation and marijuana at a drugs forum in Bogota as the South American country seeks an end t…


  1. Vicente Duque says:

    JM Santos :

    Retírate de la Reelección y serás amado y respetado, te seguirán escuchando

    Quédate y serás una catástrofe para Colombia o un gran derrotado electoral

    Retírate y obligarás a FARC a volverse serios en Cuba y a dejar los jueguitos politiqueros baratos y sucios, o a salirse de la mesa de negociaciones que ha sido absurda e incongruente

    Dijo el gran poeta Porfirio Barba Jacob :

    “Vano el esfuerzo, ésteril la Pasión”

    Cristo se sacrifica, Dios Azteca se arroja al fuego y crea mundo

  2. Renee Souder says:

    I hope and pray they do legalize for several reasons. To end the warring,to promote income for everyone, to stop crimes,to stop filling up the prisons, to take the money out of the hands of drug lords, people should have the personal freedom anyway. The war is insanity! It would have never been this mess and trauma if they had stayed legal. It’s been a total manipulation! I enjoy marijuana and need medicinally, but have never been an addict. I just hate seeing all the suffering.

  3. Matthew Cunningham says:

    Coca Cola is still the largest importer of coca leaves.
