CannApolis – Day 16

Cannabis Strains that knock you out! DISCUSSION!
January 4, 2015
I finally went shopping
January 4, 2015

WELCOME TO THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF CANNAPOLIS!!! A semi daily exploration of breeding cannabis. All questions will be answered at the end of each week and you can also email them to …


  1. studbizness says:

    Vader the boss man love the vids bro new to the channel

  2. Julian Mejia says:

    Thanks Vader I’m checking out your content hope to see you at the cup
    coming up 

  3. lobsterbushbroo says:

    Thinking about doing a pollen chuck for myself. I have a nice really unique
    smelling f1 pheno of Drizella. The stems are floppy as hell though.

    I found what seems to be a healthy strong branched male in some f2s that a
    friend made. Hoping to find something interesting that can hold itself up.

    What would this be considered? F3s?

    Thanks for everything vader

  4. WelcomeHome76 says:

    None of my business but you seem to speak quieter in this vid. Do you have
    roommates or were you not trying to wake up the plants? lol

  5. VaderOG says:

    Wanna support VaderVision? Like, Share, Subscribe and comment to help boost
    awareness of our show!

    All questions will be answered at the end of each week and you can also
    email them to if you don’t feel comfortable leaving them
    here on the comments.

    Hope everyone is having a great winter! HAPPY 2015!!!

  6. WelcomeHome76 says:

    Off topic… I popped some seeds a while back and they put them into flower
    at the same time after taking clones. They are about 4 weeks in. I want
    to veg out the next round but I am debating how to select which phenos to
    keep. (I know I prob need to just wait until harvest/dry/cure). However
    looking at the ladies there seems some obvious candidates. Of one batch I
    got one that is super stinky and decent flower size and another that has
    the largest flowers. Of the other batch one is super resinous but otherwise
    seem equal in smell and flower size. I’m going to go with these ones for
    now but it got me thinking what your thoughts on the selection process
    would be. (I’m looking for unique/special commercial strains) I bring this
    up because some strains seem to pack on flowers towards the end and seem to
    kinda “catch up” to the others and I have grown others that didn’t start to
    stink til the last few weeks. (though they never are are stinky as the
    stinky from the beginning phenos IMO)

  7. SF10DANK says:

    Omg dude I just went to rino seed bank on the net and all of the best OGG
    seeds are sold out . I mean the original or first packs or strains u
    released to the world where my favorite !!! I wish I wasn’t so friendly and
    shared what I was able to get. Ohh well I’m sure the newer strains are just
    as good if not better. Thanks for your time dude!
