Cannabis Update : Harvest. YAY!

LIVE! Covering Belief Systems AGAIN? WTF NAY?!?!
October 22, 2014
Meet Keeta from MJ360TV
October 23, 2014

Brace yourselves. High times are coming.


  1. Dùbhghlas Douglas says:

    I wish I could grow here. If legal would be indoors in my hood. My
    neighbors would be all over the crop.

  2. DisposableGorilla says:

    Good job! Try and keep the sun off of it. Sunlight breaks down the THC,
    thus reducing potency, and flavor.

  3. Andy Wells says:

    Nice one Enjoy!!

  4. Gluteus Illuminatus says:
  5. Organic Radio Podcast says:

    looks like you got it! I am a grower myself just didn’t this season. What
    strain did you grow or is it just some seeds from a bag?
