Altis Life – Part 2 – Running Cannabis!

Altis Life – Part 3 – We are now armed.
July 9, 2014
Herbin Farmer – #CannabisCup San Francisco 2014 with DJ SHORT, KYLE KUSHMAN AND SUBCOOL420
July 9, 2014

Altis Life - Part 2 - Running Cannabis!Drew and I finally get to the cannabis fields and start our first harvest/drug run. This run will eventually lead to us getting guns in the next part!


  1. OverGrowtheGov says:

    add me bro on steam we run servers and shit , we are not right now but come
    hang out, steam : Overgrowthegov TS:

  2. oneshotgrow says:

    Dealing drugs

  3. Kenny Pacholka says:

    what game is this

  4. SomeHooligan says:

    Here’s part two!
