5th GIVEAWAY! G8 240watt LED

420 now
December 26, 2014
December 26, 2014

MERRY CHRISTMAS OGs!!!!! Today we announce the winner of our 4th Giveaway & kick start our 5th and final giveaway this year! Have you ever wanted to use the same LED lights I use in my garden?


  1. Gary Davis says:

    My Mom is 85 yrs young and has dementia. I sit with her three evenings a
    week and one Saturday a month to help take care of her with feeding and
    working around the house and just plain companionship. After all she looked
    out for me when I was a child so now it’s my turn to help take care of her!
    Recently she fell and has since been confined to her bed for about two
    weeks now. That makes care a little bit harder but hey, she’s my Mom!

  2. Tetrahydracannabinoid says:

    Today on Christmas Day, I went with my girlfriend and her family out to eat
    at an Italian restaurant. I too am a server at an Italian restaurant so I
    know what its like to work in the industry, luckily my restaurant was
    closed today otherwise I would have been working too. Our server seemed
    pretty busy but was polite the whole time, very upbeat and positive and he
    did a good job. My girlfriend’s grandma picked up the check and tipped him
    about 15% which is fine, but being a server myself I know what its like to
    work during the holidays, so I took out another 20 bucks and threw it on
    the table. The guy deserved it and it probably helped make his day awesome.
    Cheers G420G, Merry Christmas!

  3. Drew boy says:

    I’m a spinal-cord patient myself ,but that’s not why i’m speaking today!!
    Today is going to be about my mother. She has been fighting M.S. for 6
    years!! I’m trying to make oil for her to slow the progression. I could
    truly use anything that could help my veg time or improve my over all
    ability to grow medicine! As we are both on disability led’s are so $$$$
    Anyway i continue to make oil for her and have really turned her and my
    family around to cannabis!! There you go hope you all had a great Holiday
    Good luck

  4. JoL™ says:

    Happy holiday!! DANG!! would be nice to get that LED light….just having
    one in my room doesn’t work enough…..enjoy your day with the family…and
    smoke it til you choke it! CHEERS!

  5. RydATube says:

    I helped an old lady with her shopping bags from the mall. Her bike had a
    flat tire and i carried her bags to her home 45min away. She was very
    thankful and i was sweating like crazy because it was middle of the summer.

  6. NinjaViking1337 says:

    I talked to an old handicapped lady. People may think that is not much, but
    I think that our conversation was a big deal. I think that we both grew
    from that conversation. That hour probably changed both of our lives, in
    ways in which I may not understand fully yet. Our conversation may of saved
    her life. Maybe it will save mine one day. All I know is it felt right.

  7. death4chaos says:

    i helped my flower power by growing 3 more flower powers, got enough seeds
    for next year now haha you really helped me this way with your tutorials,
    thanks ;)

  8. Justin Brookes says:

    So one of the things I just recently did to help somebody this year is get
    up and take my uncle who was just diagnosed with cancer a few months ago to
    his appointments on the mornings he needs to go. Its nothing to me,
    anything I can do to help is no problem at all but hopefully I won’t have
    to much longer because he’s going to get better and beat it. Cheers G!
    Merry Christmas !!!!

  9. Dakotah14 says:

    One thing I did this year is helped my family open their eyes to Medical
    Marijuana! I smoked to help with my back pain and when my family found out
    they were very disappointed but i keep smoking and telling them facts about
    it and what it can do. One day my grandfather who had singles under his
    eyeball and over 60% of his face now has permanent nerve damage. I shared a
    blunt with him and his pain magically disappeared! He was on 12 different
    medications and three of those pills rendered him useless. Marijuana saved
    him and my family, i believe in my life time I will see it fully legalized
    throughout the world and I want to help push it there. Merry Christmas and
    happy New Years! Stay Toasty! P.S. It’s cool that Jipsē Glass lives near me
    now… Have to start hanging out with the brudda. 

  10. Rob Carpinelli says:

    I helped my sister by babysitting her cat.

  11. Mack Flurry says:

    At the start of the year I went out surfing with a few mates and as
    everyone except me and a friend had caught a wave in an older lady was
    being swept out around the point she was panicking because there are a fair
    few sharks around and the life guards seemed to be having a sleep so me and
    a friend raced out and helped her onto my board and I just floated holding
    both boards as my mate was waving his hands to the life guards back at
    shore she was very appreciative after and bought us a potato bake she had
    cooked back at the camp sites it was her and her husbands first week in
    Australia. great weekend and glad we were there to help

  12. Opilla Smoke says:

    I work for the recreation department in my town. I’m only seasonal and my
    1000 hours expired 5 weeks ago. I continued to stay on when they began
    remodeling the youth center and we transformed the whole place into a
    cleaner,safer place for the kids to go. Made me feel good and the place
    looks amazing. Merry Christmas

  13. Brian Blaze says:

    I would use that to do a closet grow because I want to start the process of
    learning how to grow my own. Every few months I give my friend free weed
    because she cant find it in her town and doesn’t have a job but she needs
    it because she had a brain tumor. Cheers G420G! 

  14. Flower Wild says:

    Merry Christmas man.

    I get called the weed fairy/angel often. All year long, anytime someone
    needs weed, I got them. Come on over to my place I’ll smoke you out, shoot
    you a few joints. No one’s going greenless around me.

    Congrats to the winner. Y’all have a happy holiday.

  15. janno hilb says:

    When i was on an student exchange in England last year I met a homeless
    person. He asked me if I could give him some of the sandwich I just bought,
    so I did. He was really thankful. :)

  16. Ricky Lee says:

    This year i blessed the world with my presence yet again, & upon doing so i
    allowed the world to bask in my magnificence for one more year.

    Happy holidays folks

  17. MILK MAN says:

    Okay, I helped rake my neighbors leaves up, lazy bastard. O MERRY

  18. oPyr3x says:

    Hey best grower in the world ahah!
    I gave free time in my community for the hockey tournament in my town last
    week. It was pretty funny and pleasant. I love hockey so much (btw its a
    bit logic Im from canada ahaha). Have great holiday Grow420Guide! Peace and

  19. Smerk Dogg says:

    Merry Christmas overgrown society community! Love the videos Grow420guide!
    Favorite channel. But earlier this years helped I this guy who car ran hot
    on the side of the road a ride to get some antifreeze and kept him going by
    his day!

  20. Billy Hogue says:

    I helped my neighbor with some great smoke I grew with your infomational
    Grow 420 videos. She was bone dry and she just loved the green gift. Love
    your videos Man, Keep up the good work. Peace!!

  21. jame wesiko says:

    there was this lady in the store and the toy she wanted to buy for her
    grandson was like 10$ over her budget. So i just payed for the whole thing
    keep up the vids brudda i enjoy them every day.

  22. Ben Pierre says:

    I repaired a lot of people’s cars. 

  23. 157Ricard says:

    My best friend had lost his loving caring uncle last week they didn’t have
    dinner I invited his grandma and his other uncle over for dinner my kids
    made his grandma baked goods I have never seen his family so happy just
    right after their loss rip will Willard love ya big guy 

  24. Julian Mejia says:

    Merry Christmas one good deed I did was give a man 200 dollars he was
    holding a sign that said pls give me a job I have two kids and my wife is
    sick his two daughters were standing there with him so I gave him what I
    had in my pocket if anyone has a chance make a donation or buy some gifts
    and donate them to a good will or boys and girls club even if it’s 100
    dollars go to toys r us and buy a few toys and give them away to a charity
    or church.

  25. UhhWeed says:

    I was driving down town in denver and there was this lil old lady on the
    side of the road and I saw her try to cross in front of some cars a head of
    me while I was stopped at the light about 500 feet away and people saw her
    but didn’t let her cross the street cause the couldn’t take the time of day
    to stop and wait for the lady who moved slow.. so after the light turned
    green I made sure to stop where she was trying to cross and let her pass in
    front of me, but the on coming traffic wouldn’t stop for her so I put my
    car in park and got out of my car and assisted the poor old lady across the
    street (stop traffic and all I took my time to help this lady) granted she
    was not at a cross walk but people should have respect for their elders and
    should of stopped for the lady to get across safely. Makes me sick how so
    many people drove right by her knowing she was attempting to cross. Doesn’t
    matter how big or small of things you do. But its little things like this
    that makes peoples year. Peace and pot and one love to all, merry Christmas

  26. 1juan1234 says:


  27. butcherbaylee says:

    I help my older half sister with her two kids by driving up north to san
    Fransico to pick up her kids and drive them all the way back down to san
    diego and spent the last two weeks babysitting them so she could get her
    self in order for the move down to oceanside.

  28. Vforceboy says:

    hey +Grow420Guide wuts up i favorited your video but once again my
    favorite videos are private. i helped out my dad multiple weeks on end when
    he goes on business trips and needs his plants watered and cared for.
    already own 2 140watt 240watt eq dorm grow LEDs and i love them. have some
    seedlings that are now exactly 2 weeks old and going so strong.

  29. Lucas Jackson says:

    We’ve been having a widowed elderly woman over for dinners and family
    events for about the last 8 months and she’s becoming a part of our family.
    She has no one else to be there for her in any way so being able to do
    something like that makes the holiday season that much more fantastic. I
    feel we have made a huge impact on her quality of life and her overall
    outlook on living. Selfless acts are always the best gifts to give,
    Peace, Luke.

  30. PuffNStuff says:

    don’t want to win just wanted to say that this is cool of you 🙂 

  31. Jimmy Buzy says:

    i gave a veteran salvation army guy money

  32. Jay Jonah says:

    Merry Christmas G420G and everyone else out there. I think its awesome how
    you’re always helping people out and I try to help people whenever I can
    with whatever they’re doing, same as you. Hope whoever ends up winning
    this actually needs it and hope everyone has a merry Christmas and happy
    new year.
    Cheers, J

  33. David Brady says:

    Helped a buddy of mine remodel his kitchen for no charge..

  34. Ljae Dee says:

    Grow420Guide… I make it my duty to randomly help atleast one person every
    year. This year, I helped my in-laws renovate their rental house and I
    actually rented it for them, I did not charge ofcourse. My second gesture
    was my Sleestack Skunk seed giveaway on my channel. Theres always someone
    who could use some seeds to pop!

    Thanks for the Giveaway OG

  35. RTTV260 says:

    When I first started growing no one would help me. The so called expert
    growers kept growing knowledge/secrets to themselves. Long story short I’ve
    been in the growers love circle where I’ve given hundreds of pain relieving
    beans away throughout the WORLD. #PUFFITLOVE

  36. Leonard Gomez says:

    This was a good year at my church we made basket of food for the needed. We
    made 49 basket of food at ham and turkey very happy people . thank you for
    the give away. Happy new year

  37. Dustin Mallett says:

    what’s up OG one way i helped out this year was i worked a christmas toy
    drive for kids less fortunate then myself. and i was wondering i had to
    make a playlist in the add to tab labeled favorites does this count? cheers

  38. Cory Cotton says:

    All Entered up.. and I am a regular volunteer for “Habitat for Humanity”,
    its a real good cause guys, if you are able I would ask that you try this
    out for yourselves. The lives you can touch will change you forever.

    If you would like to look into participating in your local area click their
    homepage link below:


    Thank you and God Bless!

  39. Drugs Bunny says:

    I have a job but my sister doesn’t so i’ve been smoking her up pretty much
    all year asking for nothing in return :D

  40. corydk1990 says:

    I work at a loan company and I see my customers walking all over town. Ive
    started giving them rides every time I see them. They are good people
    they’ve just fallen on hard times. It happens to all of us at some point.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours, G420G!

  41. J. Wildman says:

    I found a lil old lady with one of those wire basket/cart things they drag
    behind em full of 2x6x8′ foot pieces of wood. Didn’t count but she must had
    about 8-10 of them. I pulled over and ask where u going? Just going home
    she says. I asked how far do u live? Oh about mile or 2.
    I said lets load the wood in my van and I’ll take u home. She had glasses
    and she looked at me real hard. I said its alright I won’t hurt you, just
    wanna help. She said okay that’s very nice of u. Told her no prob, I got
    nothin but time. Loaded her wood up, took her home, unloaded. She was very
    nice and thankful, she said u stop by anytime and visit.
    It makes me feel so good to help old peeps. Thx for letting me share story.

  42. Kyle Hollis says:

    I was playing the claw machine at a store and there was a little boy beside
    me at another claw machine…I love claw machines, lol anyways…he must
    have been 4 but he wasemt playing he was only standing there while his
    family shopped and used the game room as a babysitter….I gave him a
    couple dollars to play…he dident win anything but he was excited, I was
    to! #Grow420Giveaway

  43. stephen muir says:

    I work in a grocery store, as a customer was checking out all her cards
    declined. She eventually ended up breaking down and crying, I myself am on
    a budget with being in school and my girlfriend and paying bills, I felt so
    bad cause I know what money issues can be like. I gave her the 50$ she
    needed to finish her Christmas dinner

  44. Felipe Castro says:

    G420G I have help my friends with medical cannabis all year long. All home
    grown from the bottom to the top and will continue to do so as long as I
    live… Happy new year my friend. .. 

  45. John B says:

    every holiday full expescially Christmas me and my wife invite any friends
    or friends of our friends that have no family to our home to be a part of
    our family for the holidays so they don’t have to sit through the holidays
    alone. you’ll never forget the Christmas you spent at home alone because
    nobody invited you to come spend Christmas with them. a lot of people don’t
    have family and that’s what friends are for

  46. Ryan Frankum says:

    My wife and I have been helping her mother and father out since she lost
    her job and her dad has the only income from food to helping pay some

    He was just diagnosed with cancer Dec 23rd. So yet another blow to the
    family right before Christmas.

    Merry Christmas to all the OGS out there!

  47. Dan Lopez says:

    I was on my way home from work it was raining pretty hard. I saw a young
    lady walking down the side of the highway with two dogs dragging a
    suitcase. I pulled over and offered her a ride into town. That’s when I
    found out her car had died and she had been walking for almost an hour. She
    had just left a bad relationship and was trying to get home to her family
    1200 miles away. Not much money and no ware to go. I talked her into coming
    to my house to get dry and call her family. Her and the dogs stayed with us
    for three days until he dad could make the drive from Az. to take his
    little girl home. 

  48. THC Productionz says:

    A lady came through my work drive through (arbys) and was getting lunch,
    she happened to leave her wallet at home so i paid for her meal out of my
    pocket (only like 6 dollars), 2 days later she returns and gives me 20
    dollars. Thats when i did good for someone but also got really good karma
    back. Thanks G420G , your my homie! Keep making videos bro!

  49. Johnny Appleseed says:

    gave a homeless dude a cup of coffee and a pre roll few weeks ago
