4:20 with Trendy Nay right now!

1600W LED Grow Show – Apache Tech AT600 / Blackdog LED Platinum XL-U
June 1, 2014
Turtle’s Ebb and Flow BCGB MMJ Medical Grow 5
June 1, 2014

4:20 with Trendy Nay right now!nes.apple.com/us/album/i.m.m.o.d./id867611931 all viewers must 18 and up for this video. adult setting, language and activities. Live BF4 with Nay on Cam!


  1. SuperGreenbacon says:

    HPS all the way,,

  2. CALIBUNDLEZ707 says:


  3. fallingdownandshit says:

    whats up, yuri!

  4. fallingdownandshit says:

    whats up MrSageezy

  5. fallingdownandshit says:

    Haha mine says 13…how strange.

  6. SuperGreenbacon says:

    who wants low yield

  7. James Walt says:

    The video quality is horrible today Nay

  8. MrSageezy says:

    k2 i got u bud

  9. ipois3n says:

    nayyyyy cheers buddy

  10. Tim Goodman says:

    Watchin ya from China T

  11. yuri michigan says:

    juss chillen

  12. James Walt says:

    Ok it’s banging It’s my lag

  13. zero67439 says:

    im heading back to toronto on wednesday morning

  14. SuperGreenbacon says:

    LED….. never seen nice results

  15. K2GlassART says:

    @mrsageezy what?

  16. fallingdownandshit says:

    Peace, Nay! Stay cool, brother!

  17. K2GlassART says:

    do it

  18. trendyasdabbers says:


  19. MrSageezy says:


  20. MrSageezy says:

    sup fallin

  21. yuri michigan says:

    yo sageezy

  22. MrSageezy says:

    yo im subbing everyone

  23. meester squid says:

    i finally got to catch most of one of your vids. was always wondering
    what’s up the dude with the sheet of shatter and the smile. way cool :)

  24. ItsTheTrickAttack says:

    sup naynay remember me bro? all good if dont lol

  25. zero67439 says:

    this is gonna knock me out

  26. zero67439 says:

    i have to smoke all this kush by then

  27. MrSageezy says:

    yo yuri

  28. MrSageezy says:

    bubbler hit of sum og kush cheers

  29. cyaard says:

    peace ima smokea some kusha now!

  30. MrSageezy says:

    sup trendys

  31. K2GlassART says:

    i did also

  32. sonde2007 says:


  33. James Walt says:

    I’ll log out and come back. Your a blur

  34. SuperGreenbacon says:

    1980’s Phototron,,, a florecent u shaped tube in a hexagon tower

  35. Jimbo Slice says:


  36. ItsTheTrickAttack says:

    haha dabbed out? you do smoke flower still right

  37. TheNewport2009 says:

    when you said phototron I was zoned out and immediately I got like this
    idea of some cyborg pohotographer haha it was crazy

  38. SuperGreenbacon says:

    Fuck that FIRE up those THOWIES BABY!!!

  39. zero67439 says:

    the guy told me it was a quad but it looks more than a quad

  40. fallingdownandshit says:


  41. MrSageezy says:

    later yuri

  42. K2GlassART says:


  43. ItsTheTrickAttack says:

    nice nice. you smoked 2day m8?

  44. James Walt says:

    You do look quite relaxed. Lol

  45. K2GlassART says:


  46. Steve Smith says:

    Nay, your dog looks like Tommy Chongs dog a little.

  47. TheNewport2009 says:

    yeah I’m about to put stakes in the ground and weave my tomato plants

  48. zero67439 says:

    guys i just got some crazy smelling kush in trinidad

  49. zero67439 says:

    stupid sticky

  50. yuri michigan says:

    gotta make some dinner cheers guys see ya later peace nay
