18 & up. Incredibly Beautiful Blueberry BHO! (shatter)

Новости про коноплю – girl laughs marijuana
November 11, 2013
Flower Tent – Day 28 – 11/10/13
November 11, 2013

18 & up. Incredibly Beautiful Blueberry BHO! (shatter) must put “www” or it wont work! ***NEW TRENDYASDABBERS UPLOAD! *** Please visit and make sure to “LIKE” www…


  1. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    she was trying to turn you into a nay doll Lol

  2. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    that is sweet ass shatter man

  3. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    Hell yeah Nay karma will always come back 10 fold. That’s why I always thumbs up your vids bro lol

  4. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    hahaha Nay remix!!

  5. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    Lol heres her crazy ass /user/cindybin2001

  6. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    whats the total weight all together of all the slabs there on your slick?

  7. SuperBlablabla94 says:

    I like this guy

  8. RuthlessRuben209 says:


  9. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    Lol cindybin marathon would be a true test of endurance lol

  10. pacmankingrico says:

    True Karma

  11. Mattwhitty710 says:

    god damn trendy slabs on slabs

  12. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    peace Nay

  13. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    theres gonna be allot of counseling needed after watching those videos lol

  14. JONEtv says:

    nay there is an oils spill on your desk

  15. RuthlessRuben209 says:

    shes back to harassing another friend of mine on here too lol
