18 & up. HEADY DEVOL BUBB w/ A/C & Skillet w/ KANDY & BANANA OG KUSH!

OG kush, 5th week of flowering
December 17, 2013
Seattle marks first legal cannabis anniversary
December 17, 2013

18 & up. HEADY DEVOL BUBB w/ A/C & Skillet w/ KANDY & BANANA OG KUSH! come see me live right now! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ABOVE THANKS! NEW LINKS BELOW! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please…


  1. SuperClift1 says:

    Hey Nay ! Cheers !

  2. damyoulookinfly says:

    Yo anyone here like to toke that marijuana

  3. damyoulookinfly says:


  4. Jake Trautman says:

    lolz your funny bro haha

  5. Dn Ppe says:

    Its our pleasure Nay!

  6. Dn Ppe says:

    Thumbs-up everyone! Its the rise of a NAYtion!

  7. HappyHighTime says:

    hell yeah bro, like both of them!

  8. Anon0pz says:

    cheers nay and everyone tokiñ!

  9. nickrod32 says:

    put your thumbs up

  10. Jake Trautman says:

    cheers everybody

  11. HappyHighTime says:

    Yo Nay what’s your Fav movie man?

  12. SuperClift1 says:

    Naytion 4 LiFe !

  13. grandaddynative says:

    Cheers Nay! you on my iPhone is a trip.

  14. Kevin Baken says:

    hit it!!

  15. butterfinger444 says:

    subscription page

  16. HappyHighTime says:


  17. Anon0pz says:

    cheers everyone

  18. Dn Ppe says:


  19. Dn Ppe says:

    I always knew you were Kubrick inspired !

  20. Dn Ppe says:

    Trendy Naytion

  21. HappyHighTime says:

    Cheers Nay, Cheers Trendys!

  22. Dn Ppe says:

    Thank you!

  23. Dn Ppe says:

    Everyone watching , give the man a thumbs up!

  24. Dn Ppe says:

    I love watching the naytion on the daily!

  25. Jake Trautman says:

    haha the Naytion! that’s awesome

  26. HappyHighTime says:

    hell yeah i wanna see that! I seen it come up on main YouTube page

  27. Dn Ppe says:

    Make it a fat glob!

  28. butterfinger444 says:


  29. Jake Trautman says:

    kevin, he did, go back to the start of video :p

  30. Dn Ppe says:

    My favorite movie is the 9th gate, what a trip!

  31. Dn Ppe says:

    Thumbs up for the NAYTION!

  32. Dn Ppe says:

    1 gramer!

  33. Dn Ppe says:

    We want to see it!

  34. Anon0pz says:

    ya i saw the other day when you were in the little heli and your bullets
    didnt do shit on guys! haha, think it was silk road

  35. SuperClift1 says:

    i don’t have a good PC, but i play on Xbox.

  36. HappyHighTime says:

    hell yeah mate! Ready to smoke when you’re bro

  37. BCBudBarron says:

    Just dropped in to like and comment, stay fucking Trendy my friends.

  38. Jake Trautman says:

    me too, Im not on chat though

  39. Jake Trautman says:


  40. HappyHighTime says:

    Always gotta be that 1 noob to give a thumbs down. Always good blazing with
    you Nay!

  41. Dn Ppe says:

    Have you ever seen the 9th gate?

  42. Dn Ppe says:

    Cheers Naytion

  43. ACE420 says:

    i seen you posted it on facebook

  44. Anon0pz says:

    battlefield 4’s the shit. i play on the ps3 though, wish i had a good PC

  45. Dn Ppe says:

    You run a wired connection when gaming?

  46. Anon0pz says:

    down in OC we got this place called Howies Gameshack with llike 100gamin
    PC’s and like 200 Xbox’s so I go there for PC gaming. not sure if they have
    bf4 though.. havent been in awhile

  47. Anon0pz says:

    bye bye nay haha

  48. Dn Ppe says:


  49. Anon0pz says:

    ya same

  50. Dn Ppe says:

    I always watch your old videos!
