1500W LED Grow Show – Those poor solo cups :(

Emerald Cup 2013 – Breeding Healthy Genetics
July 2, 2014
The Truth About Cannabis Sativa
July 2, 2014

1500W LED Grow Show - Those poor solo cups :(Theme for this episode; Transplant.


  1. oneshotgrow says:
  2. Big bud Indica says:

    nicee ! first

  3. Daniel Breadbaskets says:

    hey man im also in massachusetts, with the summer tempuratures coming
    round, do you think i would be ok putting my plant out in the sun during
    the day, and moving inside at night? i DO use lights on my plant if it isnt
    a sunny day.

  4. LUVallova says:

    Bringing your indoor plants outdoors risks two things:
    1. Light shock. Most plants need to be hardened off to the intensity of
    the sun or they will suffer light shock.
    2. Pests being brought back into your grow. Mites, aphids, gnats…etc.

    I wouldn’t do it. 
