Marco Rubio’s Secret Rebuttal Reach Revealed – CONAN on TBS

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March 28, 2013
Is there pressure to end the era of conservative talk radio?
March 28, 2013

Marco Rubio's Secret Rebuttal Reach Revealed - CONAN on TBSCONAN Highlight: It wasn’t water the Senator was reaching for, but it certainly explains why his mouth was so dry.—– More CONAN @


  1. dat sneefa says:

    Hilarious slow down

  2. luckorfate02420 says:


  3. ziggyjuarez says:


  4. 420stonedpanda says:

    well jacob is a republican and we all know they do tend to bitch and whine abut nothing a lot.

  5. 300daysandnights says:

    sounded neutral to me.

  6. Anonymiter says:

    Money Quotes™

  7. nukehand101 says:

    This is why I love America and the first amendment!! Here in Republic of Korea, you make fun of any politicans like in this video and you’ll be prosecuted for slander!!! Freedom of speech is limited in my country!!

  8. BACKinBLACK1080 says:

    The drinking of the water was funny as is…but that was gold.

  9. 300daysandnights says:

    then move.

  10. simonbravo87 says:

    Marco rubio really dis have some good point…watch the original video.

  11. GeneCircuit says:

    shut up moron

  12. Ravyn Blood says:

    You cant be serious…. its Conans job to make jokes about day to day life… get on board.

  13. Standardchannel01 says:

    I know Obama made a lot of mistakes and he is destroying America but really republican or democrat they are all politicians riding with what will being them to power, rep use conservative support, dem use liberal support. In the end they just do what will keep them in power and help them keep it in the future. All these successful politicians are successful because they are smart not because they are good people.

  14. xxbrkdwnxx says:

    go figure.. a total dumbo has big ears.

  15. moncho8984 says:


  16. kevkev44 says:

    Lmao i love conan

  17. DocSicnarf says:

    I don’t think Conan really takes any stance, he just pokes fun at whatever is popular…like a good comedian talk show host should do. Maybe seeming more liberally biased is the place he needs to be right now to get the most laughs. I mean if you’ve been watching Conan as long as you’re implying you already know Conan is a laugh whore. He’ll do whatever it takes.

  18. tooosweeet says:

    Are you actually suggesting there is something positive about Marco Rubio?

  19. shockcouture says:

    hahaha omg

  20. Tulipstarful says:

    His mind is already institutionalized, so he’s assuming TBS and Conan are on the “payroll” and should know better than to broadcast anything other than bland consumerist propaganda, like other TV networks do. After a lifetime of acclimation, big brother no longer needs to indoctrinate the population, the drones themselves scorn each other into submission to the system.

  21. Gabriell Bishop says:

    Of all the things in the world to take seriously you had to pick this video.

  22. greenrobot5 says:

    he’s got some huge ears

  23. Skorn Sully says:

    your youtube handle is “STDrepository” /slow claps

  24. TheBLRanch says:

    Sixteen-year-old kids are laughing everywhere.

  25. kevinbrueck says:

    Maybe Conan and his writing staff can do a sketch about your pussy and how it bleeds profusely when anyone in the Republican party gets made fun of.

  26. David Marmer says:

    yea, i’m a conservative but i still laughed hella hard

  27. kevkev44 says:

    shut up no one is perfect

  28. David Lee says:

    Marco boobieo

  29. Dexter Morgan says:

    This video does revolves around politics tho..

  30. 420stonedpanda says:

    haha crybaby republican

  31. Deathprf88 says:

    Nothin is special about Rubio the media is simply blowing him up just so he can fail, they know us libertarians are growing and spreading fast like wild fire and fear a rand Paul presidency, libertarians…..expect us

  32. Standardchannel01 says:

    Sorry if you felt like a insulted your boyfriend.

  33. SuperBullaMan says:

    this shit is hilarious …

  34. jphren says:


    you’re welcome.

  35. Ken Jones says:

    you. are. dumb.

  36. 300daysandnights says:

    I like seeing how each side sees each other in the same light. you guys are retarded. it’s like voting for coke or pepsi except if both coke and pepsi want to put more drones in the sky to kill innocent people.

  37. MuseumProductions says:

    ahahahahh you sound retarded

  38. clipobserver says:

    good one

  39. pcb222 says:

    Maybe because there is more to poke fun at when it comes to people that are ‘on that side of the political spectrum’. perhaps you should ask yourself why

  40. Javier Benites says:

    Connan this is why I love you!!!!!! Hahaha

  41. Devendra Pareek says:

    Pause at 0:30 nd u can see the glass Someone Fan-Correction this haha

  42. AnthonyJK1982 says:


  43. Skorn Sully says:

    aww thats cute, trying to sound neutral and then throw a misinformed opinion at the same time.

  44. WithCompany says:

    Typical. Knew someone was gonna take offense to EVERYONE making fun of that. Too bad Republicans focus on butthurting rather than getting over themselves and actually contributing something constructive. Come on Republicans, you used to be better than that!

  45. Jerry Cotton says:


  46. stonervic12 says:

    gosh the whole point is make a joke
