GARY 17: drug cartel dea bust police raid marijuana arrest

After I was at a busted party, I have never gotten over it?
September 7, 2010
Marijuana Bust in Verona
September 7, 2010
GaryMarijuanaPotDoll asked:

Gary gets arrested & busted by the DEA police for marijuana and drugs. And joins the marijuana DEA police to bust the drug cartel after interrogation. The dea raids arrests and gets over 500 lbs. of marijuana from the drug cartel. 3 get arrested for drug possesion with intent to sell. The DEA policemen say its the biggest bust in history. Plus Gary finally gets some weed


  1. rdemmon1 says:


  2. misspatch13 says:

    that’s funny fucker

  3. crls1234 says:

    He got pimped slapped to death at 1:24

  4. vegism says:

    Dude Gary is a fuckin snitch! You sure he isn’t smoking crack?

  5. Doobie1975 says:

    Is this real or is this fake?

  6. cokanostrasmoka says:

    this shitis gay fish

  7. OcdTripolar says:

    Ya know what happens to little dolls in JAIL. We’re rolling dude


  8. IrishBloodBurns says:

    yes he did he got BACKED like you couldnt believe B A K E D

  9. blinky1883 says:

    wtf doll smokin HAHa thats some funny shit! atleast he got backed in the end

  10. ivanyoulube says:

    i dont want the series to be over 🙂

  11. jackthedog19 says:

    Gary finally got some

  12. EvilChurchiLLa says:

    gary goes through a lot of bs just to get high.

  13. karso22 says:

    hahahaha great !!!
    even bether than the first one

  14. WeBeatYouAll says:

    great one gary

    5* for sure man

  15. 311cky says:

    Hell yeah, I’m happy that you finally got high Gary!! : )

  16. GaryMarijuanaPotDoll says:

    I finally got high..have some respect.

  17. etobicoke416 says:

    cypress hill – i want to get high

  18. Laimonaz says:

    Whats the song on 2:53??

  19. ZLKeeper says:

    it’s finally fucking over. now i don’t get these fucking incessant emails saying GaryMarijuanaPotDoll wants to share a video with you!

    good fucking riddance.

  20. Excelion333 says:

    Finally Gary gets what he deservers.

  21. NewYorker12204 says:

    gary got high!

  22. vintagelooks says:

    Witness Protection Program for 1/2 a spliff Gary? You sold out to cheap you little drug addict.
