Eugene Mirman Stand-Up 02/28/13 – CONAN on TBS

I.S.S., Jack Herer, Afgooey, Mango, Pinaple Express, Blue Goo, Cherry AK47.MPG
March 19, 2013
Northern Green House – Room
March 19, 2013

Eugene Mirman Stand-Up 02/28/13 - CONAN on TBSEugene recently got a wake-up call; not the stop-doing-heroin kind of wake-up call, the kind you get in a hotel.More CONAN @ Team C…


  1. OldieMusicMan says:

    “Toilet paper vegan” was just . . . brilliant.

  2. KuzuRanger says:

    I never knew Gollum did standup.

  3. SuperRaysWeedPipe says:

    Did you just tell people to stop thinking? 

  4. indyfan22k says:

    so he has a filthy mouth ? any comedian who use lots of profanity isn’t all that great, they have trouble expressing themselves usually and are poor writers. if you can’t get people laughing without droping f bombs and saying stuff you can’t say on tv then you and you’re audience is simple minded ,

  5. ciddler says:


  6. TheATASquad says:


  7. Francisco Mejia says:


  8. cashlessbread says:

    paranormal accounts are evidence demons exist,every case has an interdimensional approach–using deception as an effective constraint..demons mimic the deceased promoting séances-talking to the dead..they also mimic alien-grays,ufos and bigfoot worldwide promoting secularism,they’ll use any shapeshifting deception steering men away from the analyze demonic accounts check the playlist on my channel.

  9. SuperRaysWeedPipe says:

    Ah, pardon me then. I must have misinterpreted your comment.

  10. QajarCoffee says:

    There is no sense of continuity to his set. That is not good at all. Some of the jokes are pretty weak as well. I think he can do better.

  11. OhHiNebulae says:

    turn off annotations

  12. mike smith says:

    The advice bit was great. The whole thing was funny.

  13. cashlessbread says:

    paranormal accounts are evidence demons exist..every case has an interdimensional approach,using deception as an affective constraint..demons mimic the deceased promoting séances -talking to the dead,they also mimic alien-grays,ufo’s and bigfoot worldwide promoting secularism..they’ll use any shapeshifting deception steering men away from the analyze demonic accounts check the playlist on my channel.

  14. Inl9nd5mp1re says:

    Haha he is funnier in Flight of the concords

  15. Jeff Pina says:

    oh my god i’ve been avoiding this video cuz i love Eugene mirman but the comments said he sucked…..this is pretty funny! yea the crowd is kinda dead but nothing noticeable except for the weak finisher….

  16. 11DRUMMERGUY says:

    This guy is hilarious but this set wasn’t that good. The crowd really wasn’t into it.

  17. RyanRightN0w says:

    Sorry, but I’m not any of those things. Also, you spelled clearly wrong.

  18. Maxwell alex says:

    What brought me here;

    my sister told me this was the most unfunny thing in the world

  19. indyfan22k says:


  20. Brian Lingard says:

    That . . . wow, that was just not funny.

  21. chensenhan says:

    damn that was painful 

  22. SuperRaysWeedPipe says:

    First, you clearly don’t know who Eugene Mirman is, or you wouldn’t group him with clean comedians. Second, you reference fucking Dane Cook as a source for dirty comedians. There doesn’t exist a bigger hack thief than him. Third, you have no idea what exactly we’re discussing, as you attacked the wrong person. And last, no one with a brain thinks only dirty comedians are good. My point was that they shouldn’t be dismissed just because they curse. That’s why I referenced the comedians I did.

  23. MrSandpaperCondom says:

    I LOVE Bob’s Burgers, but this guy’s stand up act sucks poop.

  24. Rob Durden says:


  25. Rosvolainen says:

    The whole point of panties is to get them off anyway.

  26. schergerbear says:

    May 5th, 2010?

  27. forlornspawn817 says:

    Not at all.

  28. Aye Oh says:


  29. Lauren Hope says:

    love him on bob’s burgers!!!!

  30. walterreally says:

    Did you just compare Bill Burr to George Carlin and Richard Pryor? Don’t get so carried away the next time.

    Now start your rant. Now.

  31. Daniel Bijan says:

    I’m unemployed, married with 3 kids, and I’m doing videos on youtube (and you thought you were delusional?) Anyways, I just did a tutorial, HOW TO WRITE A JUSTIN BIEBER SONG IN 30 SECONDS, it would totally make my day if a few people could check it out. 30 seconds, it’s not like I’m asking for money

  32. Damian Morentin says:

    Its not a bad stand but it needs more vodka jokes.

  33. HallowedError says:

    Thing is he has to think about everything he says to make sure it’s TV appropriate which gives that slight uncomfortable delay which is amplified on stage.

  34. forlornspawn817 says:

    Wow, so many “intellectuals” here analyzing comedy. How about everyone just stop over analyzing everything and just laugh at it if you find it funny. So what if it is simple or there is a pattern to what some comedians do. If a comedian is innovative, great, but why should they have to discover some unknown comedy particle and win the comedy Nobel prize in order to be considered funny?

  35. whatisthataninja says:

    you truly are obssessed with my words – well its nice to have a fan – even if you are clealry a retarded dumbshit faggot jew. lol good day to you sir.

  36. SuperRaysWeedPipe says:

    Wow, way to miss the point, entirely.

  37. SuperRaysWeedPipe says:

    Tsst, thanks.

  38. zigzigzig says:

    the transitions are rough sure, but he’s funny as fuck. i dont understand all the hate

  39. Nauheimer666 says:

    wow. you represent the stupidity these days very well my friend!

  40. UnfamousJames says:

    So I was in _____, and X happened to me, and punchlinnneeeeeeeeee

  41. buddythecow says:

    Am I the only one who thought this was kind of a shitty crowd?

  42. MrCarsonVO says:

    Trouble expressing themselves? They use fuck, shit, ass, cunt, damn, etc to express themselves.

  43. SRNF says:

    Still doesn’t make him funny

  44. SuperRaysWeedPipe says:

    You’re right. George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Bill Burr, Louis C.K., Patton Oswalt, and many, many other comedians, just aren’t all that great because they have filthy mouths.

  45. MattTheBlaster says:


  46. Rosvolainen says:

    I’d take Scarlett in granny panties over a granny in G string anyday.

  47. langtubip says:

    not funny
