Conan O’Brien Reviews “Tomb Raider” – Clueless Gamer – CONAN on TBS

growing big
March 27, 2013
The Monopoly Iron Is Trying To Boost Its Profile – CONAN on TBS
March 27, 2013

Conan O'Brien Reviews Conan gets so into “Tomb Raider” that he’s heartbroken whenever Lara Croft dies. Which happens a lot. More CONAN @ Team Coco is th…


  1. IosGamer AndReviews says:

    me too

  2. theredest79 says:

    i’d tend to agree with the rule games, but survivalism is fucking brutal, i know people who couldn’t even get past the obstacles let alone the dirtbags. it’s not surprising the entire experience for mr shawn patch degenerates into a mindless serial kill sexcapade. (serial kill sexual escapade).

  3. OEyeCu812 says:

    i thoink conan would not object to bathing suit lara

  4. TigerRifle1 says:

    Conan truly is a clueless gamer if he needs to mourn video game deaths.

  5. dthmchne says:

    HeRK a Lert abeert de amuraka cultuerrr deen’t iT?!

  6. Kulascus says:


  7. Frungi says:

    Implying that autistics can’t graduate college? Classy.

  8. Justinsutedjo says:


  9. Jeffrey Bok says:


  10. YangFU j says:

    go fuck yourself

  11. ShawnPatch says:

    I was dying of laughter from the reactions of everybody when Lara got her neck impaled multiple times.

  12. Jamie Black says:

    Do AC please!

  13. Avian07 says:

    Conan’s really into Lara or Laura Croft lol. Conan’s a gamer at heart. He’s just about to learn his true roots. Be gamer Conan.

  14. 智余 唐 says:

    probably he will do AC4

  15. KeISenBO says:

    Lol nice

  16. rizzo cozza says:

    more of this and less of boring fan correction

  17. JCRomero13 says:

    Bioshock Infinite!

  18. Dwight Schrute says:

    holy shit!

  19. RuleTheGamers says:

    Says a lot about the American Culture doesn’t it?

  20. DigDugPlayer says:

    Stop being such a pretentious prick

  21. DwightkSchrute101 says:


  22. Kaio1979 says:

    LOL he made his friend literally facepalm!!! ha hahahahaha just go UP… hahahahaha

  23. 316lga says:

    Disrespectful?, to a video game character?…What are you, a retard?

  24. Genesis Ramirez says:

    This game is amazing, and I just finished it and it was soo funny XD

  25. dthmchne says:

    Holy balls its just a video game…

  26. Lang Lovato says:

    Metal Gear Rising: Revengence
    Next please!

  27. Dwight Schrute says:


  28. Frungi says:

    Yes, but it’s the WAY you present your opinion. I’m sorry if you disagree, but I’m not the only one who’s called you on it. Watching a video that is very clearly a specific thing, and then complaining about that specific thing as if it was a surprise to you? That’s not something you would do if you weren’t trolling.
    Also: Why are you still here? Why are you still posting comments on a video you can’t stand? I don’t think I need to give the obvious answer.

  29. Leo Ram says:

    too bad he didn`t get to the wolfs… XD

  30. DarylVincent23 says:

    ‘that is not her first piercing’..


  31. Lethal Legaçy says:

    You are american idiot.

  32. savemejebus1000 says:

    How does Jay Leno have the Tonight Show again? He is not that funny on his best day.

  33. 15kardozo says:


  34. posteador says:

    TIL how to say ‘chasm’.

  35. Nick Seens says:

    Lol, you’re fucking retarded. Disrespectful to a video game character. What a joke.

  36. Jeffrey Bok says:

    This should be a every week thing.

  37. Dnize24 says:

    Same! I couldn’t believe it! I haven’t seen Conan in forever..

  38. Lethal Legaçy says:

    LOL same.

  39. Stephen Heberling says:

    I just saw an ad for Tomb Raider while waiting to watch Conan review Tomb Raider. What are the odds?

  40. vincent Biello says:


  41. Tony Lednev says:

    i was wondering if they were going to show the crazy death scenes and their reactions cause I also flipped out when I had them, and they’re reactions are priceless!

  42. Luis Napoleón Malpica Gonzalez says:

    ➸Barcelona GamerClub ➸ Si deseas estar actualizado con lo ultimo en videojuegos visita el canal ➸ Barcelona GamerClub

  43. 智余 唐 says:

    i want to play video games with conan

  44. Venom21007 says:

    Lmao, I love these reviews

  45. FirstName LastName says:


  46. PaultheMellow says:

    Aw come on.

  47. pervelinn says:

    I really like this show, but all the sexulised jokes and body comments are really putting me off.

  48. hughcri says:

    LOL I actually got a TOMB RAIDER Advert before the video!

  49. illtripbeats says:

    they need to put this segment every week!
