Amazing Drug Tunnel Under US/Mexican Border Discovered

The Mountain Man Report #26
March 14, 2013
Marijuana Meditation – Indigo Children – (Puscifer)
March 14, 2013

Amazing Drug Tunnel Under US/Mexican Border DiscoveredVideo of an elaborate cross border drug smuggling tunnel discovered inside a warehouse in Otay Mesa, CA, near US and Mexico border Millions of dollars of marijuana also seized. credit to: US customs pd


  1. MrMegadurango says:

    Ere patetico y estupido.

  2. guts knuckleson says:

    you don’t understand the real reason for the “war on drugs.” they put on a good show but when it comes down to it the US Gov controls and facilitates the worldwide distrubution of all drugs. There’s mountains of evidence proving this. The war on drugs is simply a war on independent competiton, to keep prices high and a steady stream of drug convicts heading into the corporate prison labor farms (legal slavery.)

  3. MOBBSTER916 says:


  4. TinnieSingh says:

    I would love to crash in there with my boys and load that into a truck and sell it. I don’t touch drug’s or alcohol but it’s all about the monies

  5. FreedomTracker says:

    Sure you say that, until it’s your product whose turn it is to get seized so in the end you’re at a net loss.

  6. Jake Fejer says:

    Stupid freaking cholos keep bringing this crap into the US. Why don’t they do something useful and go mow a lawn.

  7. joaquindz says:

    29 cents a pound!.. thats a deal, ill take a whole stack…lol..jk

  8. Patriotbadass says:

    Looks like a lot of money for some black ops huh?

  9. duidrift says:

    the camera man is a fat ass

  10. qwertyuiopasdfcghjkl says:

    In rats you mean Crackers right??

  11. cglehman says:

    There are 1000’s of tunnels like this all over the southwest and canada.

  12. wasibara says:

    while they were busy carrying all this drugs the cartels were busy introducing drugs from other tunnels. in no way America is winning the war on drugs. to much drugs coming in at the same time, impossible to stop it.

  13. ThatCommentsWack says:

    ever noticed that the weed smuggled from mexico always looks like doo doo weed… looks like total shit weed. i mean…..who the fuck is smoking that nasty ass weed. ?

  14. AnixGear says:

    try busting people for the real drugs like coke, meth, heroin. waisting everyones time on the pot heads. they arent harming anyone

  15. liquidyou says:

    So when marijuana becomes fully legalized in CA the government will have their first supply sale.

  16. Thuggishgs says:

    fuck the police!! they ain’t shit without their baton and guns!!

  17. bluemountaindrivepae says:

    Quite wasting time on maurijuana offences and bust some coke, meth, and heroin smugglers.

  18. MCchickensk8er says:

    fuck the police

  19. Viktor Greed says:

    you’re welcome.

  20. 1988tq says:

    The police probably profit off of the drugs

  21. Mormon4RonPaul says:

    Where is it legal? When have they legalized it? WTF are you talking about? The CIA has been caught selling drugs. The US Government does not want this shit legalized because that would drive the price down, they need it illegal to profit from its sale and profit from the war on it. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is involved on both sides. The US Gov is going to come crashing down, cant wait cuz I hate all feds and cops.

  22. imthekingofrs2 says:

    fuck tha police, dea go away!!!!!!!!!

  23. Alex Greene says:

    Justin Beibers monthly order is in…

  24. Jc Pinedo says:

    takes that many cops to adventure in a tunnel? our country should stop this drug war and start helping addicts instead if less people want drugs less drugs will be sold and there wont be such a big appeal to selling drugs

  25. TheJungleCook says:

    So… Who’s the kingpin who forgot to pay his extortion fees? You know those white oligarchs aren’t gonna put up with getting shorted!

  26. MrWolfbane81 says:

    thanks for makeing weed cost way more than should you all fags

  27. FelixLibyan says:

    I want one of ’em bags… !!! LOL

  28. craiget says:

    Damn you. Damn you all to HELL! ( I say As i watch this and take resin hits from my bowl. Friggin LEGALIZE it already. Bastards! 

  29. Finra Fung says:

    This is old footage; thought it would’ve been a recent one D:

  30. URVideosSuckAss says:

    Hencho en Mexico

  31. zeek rozalind says:

    How’s your wall doing now bush? XD…. It was him that ordered its construction… Right? Ah fuck it i dont even remember my hw how would i remember that?

  32. Mel Vallee says:

    I agree that they should legalize weed, unfortunately with a set up as elaborate as this one weed isn’t the only thing coming through this tunnel. It just happened to be weed on this day..

  33. cruzin692000 says:

    Well at least they are thinking about saving on the electric bill and using flourescent bulbs lol

  34. guts knuckleson says:

    wouldn’t you love to have a bail of pot.

  35. ATLXBL says:

    lol minecraft 1:21

  36. cglehman says:

    Those fools in this video really beleive they are making some kind of difference.

  37. afreeworldwithoutlaw says:

    US gov & the western world in general wants to make higher profits out of drugs so they legalize it. that’s what comes to my little mind.

  38. Blackhawk6699 says:

    i love weed

  39. kolepa says:

    Thanks, helping to keep the prices up for US growers…………..

  40. qwertyuiopasdfcghjkl says:

    *caugh* pale faces smoke tha Kush.

  41. cglehman says:

    Weed in this area is like $5.00 a pound cause there is so much.

  42. Blomsternisse says:


  43. imanol1969 says:

    Later all those cops gonna getting high in their living rooms watching the superbowl!!!

  44. Patriotbadass says:

    Atleast there are using low energy light bulbs in their tunnel

  45. anasurgicaltech says:

    Og smoke all day thanks cartels ! We love you ! Fuck Rats And The Police!

  46. anti713cristo says:

    Es increible pero mi raza puede aser esto y mas ,”los nacis no son nada para nosotros ..pero eyos son culpables por los asesinato de mi gente .podemos llegar asta la casa de luzifer y traerlo si quisieramos jajaja ,somos mejores

  47. Viktor Greed says:


  48. Al S says:

    1 of thousands they found.

  49. randomstuf15 says:

    Say that to the UK police retard. They don’t even have guns.
