marijuana spring crop part 1

Maui Medical MariJuana, outdoor grown 2
April 26, 2013
420 Jokes :-)
April 26, 2013

marijuana spring crop part 1


  1. SinEp Forcerer says:

    Must be nice to have such great weather. Were sitting in 3 feet of snow for the next couple of months

  2. chrisyoder100 says:

    Looks great. Sam are still running your same nutrients from your older vids?
    Anything new/better? I would like to thank you again for posting and sharing your garden expertise.


    this is about 40×50. I could have put up 2-3 greenhouse i guess. just something i wanted to try out. we shall see how it gos. its also going to be black out grow. Ill have to black it out the last 2-3 weeks of flower


    i dont mind others advise as long as they are not dicks about it. and it was only a bit over 7 pounds.

  5. MrNITEHAWK82 says:

    YAYY it starts again. I cannot wait for all of the GREAT footage Sam. =-)

  6. igrowmedicaltopshelf says:

    Sam if you have green house why build that big ass shit

  7. leigh3374 says:

    i would wish you luck m8 but i know you wont need it, 😉 cant wait to see the end product

  8. 81Kush says:

    perfect timing yo Gluck, jello ous! haha!

  9. 916Grower says:

    Back in action!…gonna be following along as always

  10. travisbratt says:

    Hey guys help me out check out my videos I need help

  11. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    post your video as a video response to this one and it will help you get more views and maybe some pointers.

  12. DaveB4C says:

    NVM I should have read all the posts..doh! I found my answer. Your gonna finish these in time to plant in June..

  13. brizad187 says:

    I live in pa its hard to grow out thinking about staying in the woods all summer

  14. Primonotion says:

    Evening, what is the plan for these plants? Full season or will you flip these soon for a pre season harvest? What is your temps outside in the night? How many heaters do you need to keep that Gh if any. Goodluck and be well!

  15. matthewc420 says:

    awesome. dam talk about starting early.. i was thinking of planting my clones outdoor next month with cfls bulbs at night worked good last year but these cold ass nights im not sure

  16. PsychoMantisCFH says:

    STOKED to see you growing back outdoors! love the channel! can’t wait to see what this season brings!
    \m/ cheers \m/

  17. mrcokeandcrown says:

    What kind of plastic is that? Does it work good for letting light through?

  18. christianbubbles says:

    were do veg all the plants inside or outside nice garden peace

  19. repomanforyou says:

    Looking good bro ….

  20. wacher8 says:

    Early start this year I see…Nice,you make me wanna start setting up for spring.

  21. roccorostagnio says:

    Do you get frost in your area in march?

  22. DaveB4C says:

    Planting in March… Will this garden go all summer? I ask because you mention 24 hours light. Like maybe your going for two crops, spring and summer. Or else you’d get away with just keeping them in veg by adding a few extra hours of light. Instead of 24 – 0. And IF your going all summer, does planting in March make them monster sized instead of planting in June? Thanks, Dave

  23. dabomb2000pacman says:

    I’m not advising him he posted a vid on poo before. I’m just wondering how did it work out

  24. Haze Seeker says:

    It would be a good idea to ad 6 more of those T5 panels –
    Or cluster them girls up so they all get the same ammount of lumens .

    Good Luck m8.

  25. Harden Battles says:

    I want to be growing right now but for some reason it’s still snowing in ALABAMA for fucks sake.

  26. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    for veg im doing compost tea and for flower i might be changing…still looking into a few kinds.

  27. jr v says:

    cool video im no weed for me this year dont want to risk it

  28. dabomb2000pacman says:

    Snowing in Tennessee too ! But I can’t wait until Easter ! The Amish say don’t plant until then here in Tennessee

  29. gman122024 says:

    Is this gonna be your spring harvest? Or you veggging them till beginning of summer to get a fall harvest

  30. dabomb2000pacman says:

    Sam do you still use chicken poo ? And if you do how does it do with the tea ?

  31. igrowmedicaltopshelf says:

    Looks like you are on the lights at night love it

  32. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    best wishes, and luck is always welcome.

  33. richard808ish says:

    thats gonna be alot is that all for you or ya selling it wish i didnt have to hide my shitty outdoor plants your ukn lucky

  34. AntiLaw83 says:

    I luv it

  35. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    yes. I mix chicken poo into the soil 6 weeks before planting. I also make a chicken poo tea sometimes

  36. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    they start inside then go outside

  37. the420ninja1 says:

    This is gona be a good grow to follow

  38. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    im about to go video up load crazy. I have a head full of video ideas. just got to film them and post them…going to do a lot of pointer ideas and info videos. mail bag, that kind of thing. get ready

  39. PsychoMantisCFH says:

    what night temps do u experience this time of year? I’m in canada with snow still so…

  40. jaibyrd7 says:

    I’m excited to watch a blackout grow! I didnt catch that the 1st time i watched, i was thinking that its sure gonna be a long season to have the plants that close together, lol. But as we know, Sam has his stuff together, its gonna be a great grow! Can’t wait!

  41. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    just 4 mil plastic you can buy at home depo or lowes. nothing special. light get through easy.

  42. fozzythemexican says:

    good to see you back. I be waiting all winter.

  43. 81Kush says:

    hmm, diferent then how we do it, we throw wem out in march and harvest around 420 or 5/1 with a small amount of blackout nights early, when were you planin on throwing these into flower if your lighting them durring the night>?

  44. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    yes more light would be good, but costly. the light is more to keep them in veg not really to make them grow at night. I want them in the ground so the roots grow right so they have to be spaced out like this.

  45. rogueraiser says:

    2013 outdoor growing has begun!

  46. SAMMCCONNELL says:

    im thinking they will veg all of march and ill have to black them out the last 2-3 weeks of flower.

  47. Alex Jones says:

    How many pounds do you think you will yield in those 50gallon drums?
