Smoke Out Sessions with NIN

Soundrone Smokes out tu “Terrible Lie” by Nine Inch Nails Soundrone Soundrone’s Premium Organic Hemp Wick Bee Lasso is now on AMAZON or at Boro Warehouse …


  1. richard moldovan says:

    Do French inhale by Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg that would be dope

  2. hustlin5010 says:

    Terrible lie is what my girl says when I come home smelling like strippers,
    sour diesel, and sweat 

  3. Cody Sewell says:

    Let’s hear some tiny Tim hahaha jk

  4. SpaztallicA says:

    Smoke out with sabbath!!!

  5. -Epileptic Stoner Community- says:

    Hey thanks for making a sess post man. Appreciated having someone to
    medicate with an nice music choice.

  6. Sven Reinke says:

    AC/DC – Hells Bells

  7. David Stone says:

    Anything from Nazareth would be cool….Did I finally get a peek at your
    metal detector in the top left corner?

  8. stregester2 says:

    Kid cudi– Dr Pill !!

  9. 4130Filmzz says:


  10. oceanxflow says:

    role us a joint by kottenmouthkings

  11. Nevada Tergesen says:

    Hey sound, will you play light it up, or anything really by the Kottonmouth
    kings its a long but chill song to smoke to haha

  12. Matthew R says:

    Kansas – Carry On My Wayward Son

  13. The10KRANZ says:

    Look forward to a sesh w/ Pink Floyd… just sayin……

  14. Sound Experiments says:
  15. Sim Doll says:

    Smoke out sessions with lad zeppelin stairway to heaven ?

  16. Brin Bart says:

    Oingo boingo

  17. dan brady says:

    Have you done a session with FIDLAR yet?

  18. Nexus Gaming says:


  19. mic foley says:

    love the pretty hate machine great pick sound terrible lie 

  20. CustomGrow420 says:

    Love this vid!

  21. Eric Maulson says:

    smoke out with system of a down possible sound? we all need to fuck the

  22. MrTimmaster says:

    id love to here mouth full of cavities by blind melon.

A NIGHT OUT WITH TRENDY! (cuz i never leave the house ;)) Part 2
March 6, 2015
♪ Scooter Vlog ♫ Scooter Vlog ♪
March 6, 2015