1 Light 1 Plant Hydro Grow Tent Setup Red Deisel STUPID! week 7

Cannabinoids & Medicine; John Berfelo Speaks Out
August 22, 2014
LIVE! Talkin’ REAL PERSONAL stuff with Trendy Nay!
August 22, 2014

1 Light 1 Plant Hydro Grow Tent Setup Red Deisel STUPID! week 7600 watt hps scrog tent and 1 450 watt led tent 4×4 & 2×4 I like to call them my “CHEAP SH!T” Ask any questions and I will try to answer them. LET’S GROW! New 400 watt hps…

1 Comment

  1. theCarpTamer says:

    Cut the net off and drop the bubble bucket down to the floor
