Grow Update – Lollipop Prunning

East Coast Guerrilla Grow
October 15, 2013
Pierce Morgan : Gun Violence Victim? We should be so lucky!
October 16, 2013

Grow Update - Lollipop PrunningDid the last prunning of the this round. flower from here on out. Viewers 18+ only plz. Thanks for wacthing, please subscribe & thumbs up Overgrow the World …


  1. cbluebeard says:

    Keep doing what you are doing. I enjoy what you do here on the tube.

  2. chrisregpick says:

    They have been making oil for hundreds of years, hash too. You said it: “Oil Boom.” Hash is so smooth. Oil is too strong. “Too each their own.” Fuck those ignorant fools, you’re correct. Weed has turned into Capitalism. Toys. I watch the whole video too.

  3. MrGingerbollz says:

    Your plants grow quick as fuck.!!!!!!!!!!

  4. cyberreload says:

    ya maby.
    and yes i know bushing is for bushing out, that one main reason i did not top to begin with, bc all the strains/plants ive have grown so far in that system have all been bushy as fuck.
    i just heard some ppl argue that topping = bigger yeild, and i beg to differ.
    if i had more room id do a experiment with a few clones, grow one regular and top the other one and see who yeild biggest (ofc both grown in same system under same conditions).. maby one day..

  5. danskmillitant says:

    de har krudt i røven de planter! ser sgu godt ud!

  6. grandaddynative says:


  7. NGT4LIFE says:

    the one you topped looks to be your biggest.
    wont be suprised if it yields the most too.
    you should get about the same yield whether you top or not if that plant does yield the most,it would have anyway.i.e it was just a bigger yielding pheno.
    topping is more about controlling height,and helping plants to bush out.
