October 2013

October 16, 2013

Dalai Lama aprueba el uso de mariguana con fines medicinales / Titulares con Vianey Esquinca

Dalái Lama aprueba el uso de mariguana con fines medicinales / Titulares con Vianey Esquinca 16 de octubre 2013 En el marco de su visita a […]
October 14, 2013

Nay’s Haunted Hallway: “The Chop Shop”!

for live chat with nay all day! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests coming to face boo…
October 7, 2013


La aparicion de Hongos es un factor muy importante que puede hacer que la cosecha no sirva para nada, dejando inservible nuestro cultivo. Informaté bien! Tie…
October 29, 2013

Purple PhantomCookie Seedlings Update

Update on the Purple PhantomCookies seedlings I planted a couple weeks ago.
October 10, 2013

happy 4:20!

OLD TRENDYASDABBERS UPLOAD! *** PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ABOVE THANKS! NEW LINKS BELOW! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend re…
October 3, 2013

Big Bong

Big bong rips, please subscribe and follow my Instagram @missmellyjelly . Tokin with the homie, Oregon road trip .
October 11, 2013


Thank you PINOYGROWER! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE ABOVE THANKS! NEW LINKS BELOW! Thank you for being a subscriber! You guys rock! Please keep the friend requests comin…
October 14, 2013

Новости про коноплю – girl laughs marijuana

Ведущая новостей заливается от смеха от такого репортажа будтобы сама под марихуаной и голос диктора всђ объясняетLeading news is filled with laughter from s…
October 4, 2013

Chillin takin bong rips

Just got this pretty nice piece for $100 at my local head shop. Smokin some mango kush before bed.